Successful leading and managing subordinates is highly dependent on a variety of factors such as leader-follower relations, leadership styles and situational factors (Reynolds & Rogers, 2003). An effective leader should also be flexible, innovative and wisely use his/her power statics to improve organizational performance (Crutchfield & Roughton, 2013; Davidson, 2012; Norton, 2010). Based on these concepts, this report aims to explore the effectiveness of leadership skills & styles at team level management position in maximizing team performance in Real Estate Industry, especially in H&T Reality Pty Ltd. H&T Reality Pty Ltd is one of the leading companies in property development and investment solutions. They are committed to deliver high …show more content…
Since the turnover rate is constantly high, real estate companies are reluctant to invest in training program. Consequently, the new employees’ competencies are relatively low, resulting in low chance of success. This is also due to the characteristics of real estate sales such as non-routine, irregular work hours and income, lead to high turnover rate (Webb & Seiler, 2001). According to Terry ZHANG, H&T realty Pty Ltd also has the same problem, and he, as a training coordinator, is trying to lower the turnover rate by using his leadership tactics to increase team cohesiveness and overall performance.
3. Literature review
The contingency leadership theory proposed by Fiedler illustrated that the leader’s contribution to organizational performance is highly dependent on situational factors: namely, Leader-Member Relations, Task Structure and Leader’s Power; among which, leader-member relations is prior to other factors in determine leaders’ effectiveness (Ayman, Chemers, & Fiedler, 1995). Leader-Member Relations refers to the degree to which the team achieves cohesiveness and the leader’s willingness to support the team (Ilgen & O 'Brien, 1973). Leader-Member Relations plays a vital role in influencing team performance, because if leader and followers were not in good relations, both parties’ moral would be affected, which indicates a
3) Contingency approach to leadership-this theory refers to the group atmosphere and to the degree of confidence, loyalty, and attraction the followers feel about their leader. If certain favourable situations occur then there has been a positive relationship between the followers and the leader which means that the task was clearly defined and there is a clear leader position power.
The topics discussed by Northouse, Kouzes, and Posner are team leadership. Team leadership are work units that have are interdependent and share common goals (Northouse,2016). In this week?s unit, team leadership will be explained through the Hill Model for Team Leadership and how it applies to team effectiveness. Furthermore, virtual and non-virtual team will be compare and contrast and how to create cohesiveness. Team leadership theory is the key to developing success high performing teams.
The contingency model of leadership is based upon the relationship between three aspects of leader-follower-situation model. Apart from this contingency model, leaders are assumed to act in a flexible manner.
There have been numerous theories surrounding leadership, which attempt to explain which form is most effective in the workplace. A universalistic approach was once used to rationalize leadership and it was believed that successful leaders possessed certain common abilities and traits. However, today due to external factors such as globalization and advanced technologies, there has been an evolution towards a new paradigm of leadership. Subordinates want to feel empowered and engaged at the workplace and often the behaviors and relationships between leaders and their subordinates become important to understand in order to fully understand effective leadership. Contingency theories have been developed in which people began to look at the behavior of leaders in specific situations. Two such contingency theories are: Path-Goal and Hershey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory.
Team member’s need to follow the company’s standards of procedure. For example everyone should set up a table in the restaurant in the same way as each other, in the way that we have been told to do so. They also need to follow any service standards set out by the company. In our company, we have 12 service standards that all members of staff need to keep in mind while carrying out daily tasks.
Overall, the path-goal theory, path-goal theory of leader effectiveness, or path-goal model can be considered as a variant on Transactional Leadership Theory, where the leader clearly is directing activity and the only factor that varies is the manner in which this is done. There are some aspects of Contingency Theory, as well, where various means of application vary with the situation. The leader sees a path that needs to be tread, one leading to the accomplishment of a goal and she or he attempts to clear it and get the group members to tread on it. The leader may cajole command, reward or punish, get suggestions from the group, or sugar coat the tasks, if necessary, but it is clear that democracy is not the hallmark of this method. The Path-goal of Leadership Effectiveness was created to rectify prior research and anomalies resulting from empirical investigations of the effects of leader/task orientation and leader/person orientation/relationship on worker satisfaction and performance (House 1971).
In todays work environment with undoubtedly constant business changes and ever-changing goals and objectives, it’s important to understand a groups normalcies and how the group interacts with each other. There are a variety of different leadership styles and characteristics that make up these styles. In this essay we will discuss a Participative leadership style and its affect on teams. We will review the specific tenets a Participative leader follows in order to reach goals. And how this leadership style may be very effective and what possible affects does it foster. How does this leadership styles encourage group conformity and relieve possible pressure of fitting in to a group or team.
Fiedler’ model is considered the first highly visible theory to present the contingency approach. It stated that effective groups depend on a proper match between a leader’s style of interacting with subordinates and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader (Fiedler, 1967). Fiedler argued that the leadership style could be indentified by
A good leader cannot manage without having good management skill. A manager function is to produce order and consistency through planning, budgeting, organizing, and problem solving. Good relationships are based on trust, communication, and engagement are the essentials of a manager to build a relationship with your staff members. Task can be completed on time with enthusiasm, effectively, and with energy to do more. They focus on clients and know how to improve business performance. Are good at risk management and manage stress in staff members. A manager needs to be a clear thinker and have effective speaking skills that can influence others. As a nursed manager you may spend time giving care or watching over others as the give care. Nurses
Leaders have a “the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals” (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. 402). In the past leaders have been described by certain traits or characteristics. These traits can help an organization identify potential candidates who may be strong leaders. Later behavior approaches of leaders were identified that could be taught. In short, leaders could be made. Situations have an impact on which leader behaviors will be most effect at any given time. Several contingency theories have been formulated over the years to identify how situations influence leadership behavior. Each style has strengths and
A leader is defined as a person with responsibility to influence one or more followers and directing them to achieve a set objective (Sethuraman, 2014). In order to achieve that set of objectives effortlessly, effectively, and efficiently, the most important and valued trait of a leader is an effective leadership styles. Effective leadership styles are required in every organization at every level to be successful. The success or failure of an organization depends on the quality of leadership particularly on the part of top management. An effective leadership style can be developed on the basis of understanding of the situations (Sethuraman, 2014). Top management should know which leadership style is needed based on the situation to be most effective to gain trust and respect from their employee. There is no single method of influencing the behavior of employees for every situation. The employee’s level of knowledge on the task and can determine which leadership style that will be most effective for the situation. Preparing leaders to lead
The Contingency Theory applied to factors unique to each situation to determine whether specific leader characteristics and behaviors will be effective. Researched findings credit Fiedler 's contingency theory as the first to specify how situational factors interact with leader traits and behavior to influence leadership effectiveness. This theory suggests high interest in the situation determines the effectiveness of task- and person-oriented leader behavior.
The contingency approach, founded in the 1970’s differs from the behavioral approach. “Examining various situational variables is central to understanding leadership in organizations, according to the contingency theorist” (Stojkovic, Klofas & Kalinich, 2012). Fiedler’s Contingency Model is one of those contingency theories.
When you consider Fiedler’s Contingency Theory, there are two types of leaders who are effective in different types of situations. There are the task-oriented leaders who are effective in scenarios which need structure and often clarification. These leaders are often found to be most effective in crisis type
Fielder’s contingency theory argues the effectiveness of a leader is contingent to leader ship style and the extent the leadership situation gives him or her influence and control over outcomes.