
Effective Training: Systems Strategies and Practices Essay

Satisfactory Essays



1. Which of the following is evidence supporting the assertion that companies are investing in more training?
A) Higher net sales per employee
B) Higher gross profits per employee
C) Higher ratios of market to book value
D) Both A & B
E) All of the above (easy; p.4)

2. In an open system model which of the following statements is not true?
A) Open systems have a dynamic relationship with their environment.
B) Open systems may exist as part of another open system.
C) The system is open to influences from its environment.
D) Inputs are transformed into outputs through a process.
E) All of the above are true.(moderate, p.4-5) …show more content…

17. Which of the following career paths best prepares a trainer for a supervisory or coordinator position? (moderate, p. 16)
A) Several years experiences in a specific function
B) Working in a line position
C) Rotation through various specialist positions
D) None of the above
E) All of the above

18. Learning is defined as
A) a temporary change in cognition that results from experience and may influence behavior.
B) a relatively permanent change in understanding and thinking that results from experience and directly influences behavior. (easy; p.18)
C) a relatively permanent change in understanding and thinking that models behavior.
D) a temporary change in understanding and thinking.
E) a relatively permanent change in cognition that results from self efficacy and indirectly influences behavior. 19. The Authors use the acronym KSA to refer to what?
A) Keep, simple, and attitude
B) Knowledge, skills, and attitudes (easy; p.18)
C) Knowledge, strategy, and aptitude
D) Know, strategy, always

20. Knowledge is composed of which three interrelated types?
A) Declarative, practical, and strategic
B) Declarative, practical, and skill
C) Compilation, automatic, and strategic
D) Declarative, procedural, and strategic (easy; p.18-19)
E) None of the above

21. A person's store of factual information about a subject matter is
A) procedural knowledge.
B) strategic knowledge.
C) declarative knowledge. (easy; p.18)
D) practical knowledge.

22. A

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