In this paper, it is intended to answer why research is important to nursing and the importance of evidence-based practice in nursing. After reading the article, “Effective Dietary Interventions for Overweight and Obese Children”, the answer to what does it mean to practice and the ranking of the article will be addressed. Nursing research is necessary to continue with advances that lead to the best nursing care. Evidence-based practice keeps the nursing profession changing in terms of research and education of students. Students work closer with clinicians and researchers while also making nursing care more individualized.
Understanding that research is evidence for nursing practice consists of knowing that nursing knowledge is the main source
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Nursing research is a systematic process of inquiry that uses rigorous guidelines to produce unbiased, trustworthy answers to questions about nursing practice. Original nursing research targets new knowledge to educate nurses on the practice of nursing. Nurses also use research to describe issues that affect health, find solutions to existing and emerging problems, test traditional approaches to patient care for continued importance and effectiveness, and to synthesize the findings of others into an understandable guide for practice. Without nursing research knowledge could not be applied to improve nursing …show more content…
Examples of this include: the Joanna Briggs Institute, with the assistance of an expert panel. The expert panel consists of medical schools, instructors, and hospitals. The article does not show any evidence of any conflict of interest for the authors because of the use of peer review. The Joanna Briggs Institute conducts systematic reviews of primary research studies from quantitative, qualitative, health economic evaluation. Currently, review authors are required to notify JBI of their intent to perform a systematic review. Once the review has been approved, reviewers are required to send a copy of their protocol to their nominated SSU contact. Review authors are required to list their JBI affiliation on the protocol for copyright reasons. On the front page of this article, the volume and number are visible. A reasonable interval is not known from the date of study to the date of publication, so it is not easy to tell if the study has been published within a reasonable time frame. I consider this article to be a level I
Evidence-based practice is relied on by professional nurses in order for them to make informed decisions as well as apply critical thinking skills directly to the patient care they provide. The research process allows the nurse to ask and answer questions systematically to ensure the decisions they make are based on sound science. Research provides the evidence needed for nurses to practice based off scientific evidence rather than by tradition (Houser, 2013). Nursing research is fundamental to the practice and is the central principle that defines the nursing profession.
An annotated bibliography is a catalogue of citations to books, documents and articles with the purpose of the annotation being to inform the reader of the precision, relevance and quality of the sources cited (Davis, 2009). Evidence based practice enables health care professionals to effectively use current verification during the decision-making procedure (Sacket et al 2000). Healthcare professionals use a hierarchy of evidence as a guide to define the reliability and importance of the evidence based research; with the evidence that is founded further upon
Implement a program of evidence-based nursing where research serves as basis for all nursing practice
The John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model describes how practice, education and research are the foundation for professional nursing. Practice is first, nurses need to question the basis of their practice and utilize an evidenced based approach to validate or change their current practice. Next is education, nurses’ education is basic in the beginning however with ongoing education nurses are able to gain new knowledge and skills throughout their careers. Finally is research, research generates new information for the nursing profession and allows for improvement of practice based on scientific evidence and research. (Dearholt & Dang 2012, p. 34-40).
Houser, J. (2012). Nursing research: reading, using, and creating evidence. (2nd ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett.
One of the main barriers in using evidence-based practice is the lack of time in order to implement it into the nurse’s days. In one study, many respondents said that, both at work and outside of work hours, time was just not there (Brown, Wickline, Ecoff, & Glaser, 2009). In another study done many years later, time continued to be a main concern for nurses and that they just didn’t feel like it should be expected for them to keep up with the research (Tacia, Biskupski, Pheley, & Lehto, 2015). Many of these restraints on time can easily be addressed though. Some issues, such as, short staffing can be fixed, while others would take more work to address, such as, not having enough time at home to research due to familial obligations. Setting aside specific time in the workday for nurse’s to research or hiring more nurses in order to split the work load and allow more time in between tasks for research could also be solutions to this specific barrier.
This paper will discuss how evidence based practice effects nursing practice and how nurses can apply what they learn to their practice. Evidence based practice is a great way to improve the quality of care we provide. “Evidence based practice means using the best available research findings to make clinical decisions that are most effective and beneficial for patients” (Chitty & Black, 2011, p.258). By allowing nurses to participate in research and development, we are able to see firsthand how effective our intervention can be. Nurses run into all kinds of problems on a daily basis and they are able to share their experience and expertise to help develop a better way to solve a problem.
The purpose of this essay will be to discuss evidence based practise and its use in nursing, I will be discussing, the types of research and various forms of data, including the principles of evidence based practise and research. Evidence Based practice is finding the most effective, research proven, evidence to make decisions regarding the service users individual needs and the best decisions for them. As David Sackett quotes, "evidence based practise is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values." (Sackett D, et al 1996, p.71) Evidence based practice is good practice, assist practitioners, avoiding information overload and applying the most useful information.
According to Gale and Schaffer (2009) explains that nursing comprises autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, well or sick and in all settings. Nurses promote health, prevent illnesses and care for the sick and disabled people. Other roles of nurses include promotion of a safe environment, participation in shaping health policies, research and system management (Gale & Schaffer, 2009). Research is important in nursing because it validates and refines exiting knowledge and generates new knowledge. According to Newhouse (2007) nursing research helps build an evidence-based practice for nursing. EBP in turn contributes evidence to the effective care of patients. Studies have supported the conclusion that patient outcomes are substantially improved when health care is based on evidence from well-defined studies versus tradition or clinical expertise and opinions alone. The ultimate goal of nursing is therefore an evidence-based practice that promotes quality, cost effective outcomes for patients, families, healthcare providers and the healthcare system (Closson, 2005; Salbach, Jaglal, Korner-Bitensky, Rappolt & Davis, 2007). EBP evolves from the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient needs and values (Aarons, Wells, Zagursky, Fettes & Palinkas,
In order to do this, we need to understand how the research process works, so we can better understand the results. Conducting evidence-based practice or promoting evidence-based practice is important for the graduate level nurse, in my opinion. Providing the best evidence for clinical decisions is essential in delivering appropriate patient interventions.
As a provider of care, professional nurses depend on research, theories, and evidence based practice to guide the care they provide to patients. Nurses deliver care to their patients based on information they have learned through many years of school and training. Training for nurses and other providers of care is founded on theories, research, and evidence based practice in the healthcare field. Theories, research, and evidence based practice are all important for providing care to patients and each can be used in a different manner depending on the situation. Clinicians often use research based evidence to design and implement care that is high-quality and cost effective for patients. Evidence based practice can be used to provide care to patients in a steadily changing clinical environment. (PDF page 8-9). Nursing theories are frequently used as frameworks for establishing nursing care interventions and assessing
Nursing research has been a part of nursing practice for many years, consisting of both qualitative and quantitative research; it is essential in guiding nursing practice. Many nurses have a baseline understanding of research in general, but it is important for the researcher to understand their own values and beliefs when determining the type of research they will be performing. By understanding the differences between epistemology, methodology, and methods, the researcher can confidently conduct a valid research project.
Owing to the significant evolving role of nurses across the globe, there is, therefore, an urgent need for nursing research to be a vital part of the profession. According to Martha S. Tingen (et al) (2009), Nursing research has a tremendous influence on current and future professional practice thus rendering it an essential component of the educational
To embed these values among a nursing staff, clinical staff participation in the process of nursing research is critical, as well as the use of evidence to drive nursing interventions (Clark, 2006). I have noted that the research generally process of methodical inquiry to create and develop acquaintance within a self-control or profession. I have also learned that research validates and refinances of existing knowledge and develops new knowledge (Burns and Grove, 2007).
The harmony among clinical and research orientation is essential to professional nurses as they dynamically enhance the nursing’s scientific knowledge by way of research. Evidence facilitates advancements in nursing and inhibits the usage of unjustified nursing errors and practices. Finally, evidence-based practice substitutes usage of trial and error and improves development, evaluation, and professional progression. Evidence-based practice is used by professional nurses for the sake of influencing the standard of care and for encouraging a self-directed nursing environment.