
Effective Nursing Interventions

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In this paper, it is intended to answer why research is important to nursing and the importance of evidence-based practice in nursing. After reading the article, “Effective Dietary Interventions for Overweight and Obese Children”, the answer to what does it mean to practice and the ranking of the article will be addressed. Nursing research is necessary to continue with advances that lead to the best nursing care. Evidence-based practice keeps the nursing profession changing in terms of research and education of students. Students work closer with clinicians and researchers while also making nursing care more individualized.
Understanding that research is evidence for nursing practice consists of knowing that nursing knowledge is the main source …show more content…

Nursing research is a systematic process of inquiry that uses rigorous guidelines to produce unbiased, trustworthy answers to questions about nursing practice. Original nursing research targets new knowledge to educate nurses on the practice of nursing. Nurses also use research to describe issues that affect health, find solutions to existing and emerging problems, test traditional approaches to patient care for continued importance and effectiveness, and to synthesize the findings of others into an understandable guide for practice. Without nursing research knowledge could not be applied to improve nursing …show more content…

Examples of this include: the Joanna Briggs Institute, with the assistance of an expert panel. The expert panel consists of medical schools, instructors, and hospitals. The article does not show any evidence of any conflict of interest for the authors because of the use of peer review. The Joanna Briggs Institute conducts systematic reviews of primary research studies from quantitative, qualitative, health economic evaluation. Currently, review authors are required to notify JBI of their intent to perform a systematic review. Once the review has been approved, reviewers are required to send a copy of their protocol to their nominated SSU contact. Review authors are required to list their JBI affiliation on the protocol for copyright reasons. On the front page of this article, the volume and number are visible. A reasonable interval is not known from the date of study to the date of publication, so it is not easy to tell if the study has been published within a reasonable time frame. I consider this article to be a level I

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