
Effective Behavior-Based Treatment

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There are several in-home treatments for reducing child physical abuse (Barnett Miller-Perrin Perrin 184). With Project SafeCare parents actively acquire needed skills through techniques such as completing homework assignments and demonstrating (modeling) desirable parental behaviors (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 185). Behavior - based treatment programs focuses on parent’s behavior, the child’s behavior, parent-child interactive behaviors, or all three (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 185). With behavior-based treatments parents are taught the effects of reinforcement and punishment on children’s behavior, appropriate methods of delivering reinforcement and punishment, importance of consistency in discipline and so on. There are other treatments that deals with, children learning how to express their feelings, parents writing letters of apologies for being abusive, and the children writing about the traumatic elements of his/her abuse, and counseling (Barnett, …show more content…

There are several categories of treatment that are in use (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 239). One in which are medical treatment. Sometimes the perpetrator of sexual abuse have some kind of biological mechanism that affects their sex drive and causes of sexual abusive behavior (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 239). Some of these medical treatments include removal of the testosterone, brain surgery, surgery that reduces testosterone levels and so on (240-241). Then there is regular therapy that helps with child sexual abusers understand the role sexual abuse plays in their life, focus on their past and figure out where their sexual motives came from, emphasize the effects that their actions have on a child, point out confusion about blurred role boundaries and etc. Although there are no data that really shows the effectiveness of these treatments, I believe that treatments like these should be mandatory interventions for

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