
Effect Of Enzyme Lab Report

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Enzymes and Factors That Affect Them Rewrite title
Zuryab Rana
October 21, 2017

In the experiment we used Turnip, Hydrogen Peroxide, Distilled Water, and Guaiacol as my substances. On the first activity, Effect of Enzyme concentration of Reaction Rate for low enzyme concentration, we tested three concentrations of the turnip extract, and hydrogen peroxide. For the Turnip Extract I used 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml, and 2.0 ml. For hydrogen peroxide we used 0.1 ml, 0.2 ml, and 0.4 ml. We used a control to see the standard, and used a control for each enzyme concentration used. The control contains turnip extract and the color reagent, Guaiacol. We prepared my substrate tubes separately from the enzyme tubes. My substrate tube …show more content…

I put one test tube for each control, substrate, and enzyme in the 4° C (ice bath), 23° C (room temperature), 37° C (body temperature), and 60° C (water bath). Add the inhibitor that was used and what it was used for.
Enzymes are biological catalysts, which means it decreases activation energy in reactions. The lower activation energy in a reaction, the faster the reaction rate. Many enzymes alter their shape when they bind to the activation site. This is called induced fit, meaning for the enzyme to work to its full potential it has to change shape to binding substrate. The location of enzyme’s activation site is on the surface of the enzyme, where the binding of substrates take place. Enzyme activity can be influenced by a variety of environmental factors. If the concentration of enzyme is low, and there is a great deal of substrate, then increasing enzyme concentration results in more molecules available to convert substrates to products. Thus, increasing enzyme concentration can increase reaction rate. If substrate concentrations are low, and many of the existing enzymes are idle because of a lack of substrate, then adding enzyme will have no effect on reaction rate. Enzyme concentration affects the enzyme activity, because the more enzyme concentration the faster the reaction rate, until it hits it’s limiting factor. When substrate concentration is increased, it also increases rate of reaction. Temperature plays an important

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