
Brand Awareness And Loyalty

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The brands of today are evolving and changing faster than ever. Face to face interaction, sentiment, and loyalty are now less valued by the consumer than they were years ago. We talk about how to gain this loyalty and sentiment later in the report. Technology and e-commerce have changed the values of the consumer and now we value speed, ease, and low prices. The idea of a brand changes with time due many social and economic trends but the effect it has on consumer buying behavior will be researched and noted like it always has been. Our purpose of this exploratory project will be to determine the effect of brand awareness/brand image on consumer buying behavior and loyalty. We will be researching at how effective or ineffective brand …show more content…

Brand awareness is the most important indicator of the consumers’ knowledge about a brand. Brand awareness and customer loyalty go hand in hand. Loyalty of a customer is an emotional attachment to the brand. This attachment is driven by brand image and brand awareness. Brand awareness and brand image should develop an affection similar to a friendship. When buying a product for the first time, brand awareness is key. It is what gets the consumer to purchase that product. Measuring brand awareness is another key part in relating it to consumer buying behaviors. Three ways to measure brand awareness are spontaneous brand recall, top-of-mind recall, and aided recall. The ways that measure brand awareness are key in successfully marketing your product. Brand awareness is a starting point for all customer satisfaction.
Another integral part of understanding your customer, conveying your brand’s image, and trying to retain that customer that shows evidence of brand loyalty is the customer’s buying decision process. There are five steps in this process, to briefly gloss over these steps, they go as follows: Problem Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of Alternatives, Purchase Decision, and Postpurchase behavior. Although these are decisions that the consumer makes, as a marketer for a company, it is extremely important to understand the importance of each step of this process in order to

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