The brands of today are evolving and changing faster than ever. Face to face interaction, sentiment, and loyalty are now less valued by the consumer than they were years ago. We talk about how to gain this loyalty and sentiment later in the report. Technology and e-commerce have changed the values of the consumer and now we value speed, ease, and low prices. The idea of a brand changes with time due many social and economic trends but the effect it has on consumer buying behavior will be researched and noted like it always has been. Our purpose of this exploratory project will be to determine the effect of brand awareness/brand image on consumer buying behavior and loyalty. We will be researching at how effective or ineffective brand …show more content…
Brand awareness is the most important indicator of the consumers’ knowledge about a brand. Brand awareness and customer loyalty go hand in hand. Loyalty of a customer is an emotional attachment to the brand. This attachment is driven by brand image and brand awareness. Brand awareness and brand image should develop an affection similar to a friendship. When buying a product for the first time, brand awareness is key. It is what gets the consumer to purchase that product. Measuring brand awareness is another key part in relating it to consumer buying behaviors. Three ways to measure brand awareness are spontaneous brand recall, top-of-mind recall, and aided recall. The ways that measure brand awareness are key in successfully marketing your product. Brand awareness is a starting point for all customer satisfaction.
Another integral part of understanding your customer, conveying your brand’s image, and trying to retain that customer that shows evidence of brand loyalty is the customer’s buying decision process. There are five steps in this process, to briefly gloss over these steps, they go as follows: Problem Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of Alternatives, Purchase Decision, and Postpurchase behavior. Although these are decisions that the consumer makes, as a marketer for a company, it is extremely important to understand the importance of each step of this process in order to
A brand is an organisation, product or service which has created an emotional connection with their consumers in order for them to favour their brand over their competitors. It is incredibly important for brands to keep up their image and one little thing could change the global perception of a business. It takes a lot to maintain a brand image that has been built up over a long period of time and even more to regain it if that reputation is lost. Brands are created through various different aspects such as their visuals, tone of voice, advertising, actions and reputation. The combination of these will leave their consumers with long lasting emotions and perceptions of a particular brand and will effect whether they support a business or not and whether they would favour or avoid it. When a brand looses their image it can cost a lot of money and time to rebrand to prevent complete failure of the product or service.
In the article Branding in the Digital Age (Edelman, 2010) author and research David Edelman successfully illustrates how the Internet has re-ordered the balance of power between consumers and the brands they develop loyalty to over the long-term. His premise of the article is based on how successfully the Internet is transforming buying decisions into a more egalitarian- and trust-based relationship between marketer and customer. The concepts he bases his Customer Decision Journey (CDJ) on is predicated on a foundation of mutual benefit and trust between customer and marketer. The four phases of the CDJ, which are Consider, Evaluate, Buy and Enjoy, Advocate, and Bond are more oriented towards a lifetime relationship with customers versus the completion of a transaction.
It has been acknowledge (Romaniuk & Sharp 2004) that Brand salience can be defined as the propensity of the brand to be thought of by buyers when they are in a buying situations. A brand awareness strategy depends on how well known the brand is, Brand Salience is forming image to refresh their memory about the brands that can linked to consumer mind as well as the quantity and quality of the cue to brand links (Olson & Peter 2005), it is very important that consumer can connect to their mind as many cues as possible . The level of consumers’ brand awareness necessary to induce purchase varies depending on how and where they make their purchase decision for that product category or form. The brand attitude is focus on evaluating the brand, according to Schiffman and Kanuk (2007) “attitudes are relevant to purchase behavior are formed as a result of direct experience with the product, word-of-mouth information acquired from others, or exposure to mass-media advertising, the internet, and various forms of direct marketing”
New marketing programs can be applied to improve strength and uniqueness of brand association. Any negative association must be ignored and every positive association must be adopted.
Successfully building, managing, and tracking the brand equity of brands are main goals of brand management. The brand strategies are flexible to fit the increasing competitive market and customers’ brand knowledge. It is more and more difficult to maintain the customer’s brand loyalty. Thus, it becomes crucial to understand brand equity and brand building processes
A brand is a name that has the power to influence a buyer. Brand influence could be as a result of a set of mental associations and relationship built up over time among customers or distributors. Brand equity is the differential effect of a brand knowledge on a consumer response to the marketing of a brand. The present study focuses on the study of the basic four dimensions of customer-based brand equity on consumer`s perceptions of a brand viz. brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand image, brand performance. This is based on the assumption that all these dimensions of customer-based brand personality have
Branding in a business is important as it shows the reputation of the business. The importance in the buyer’s behaviour can affect the businesses sales, as it can increase or decrease their sales. Consumers are responsible factor for the sales of any products or services, so when a new product is being released in the market, understanding consumers buying behaviour becomes very essential. The business has to study and understand the
Since an increasing number of people focus on brand names instead of product, brands become important elements for customers to choose products (Carroll, 2008). When customers trust the brand, the benefits for the manufactures are generated. In the first place, brands can be used by products as the tool to identify and differentiate themselves from various products. Secondly, brands are helpful for companies to build a competitive advantage (Bick, 2009). Therefore, organisations take more attention to branding.
In order to understand the effect that the Brand Identity has on consumers, the consistency of identity with the brand concept has to be emphasized through the company 's strategic options. This will facilitate the recognition and brand recall by consumers in an environment where there are multiple competitive options (Sonnier and Ainslie, 20 ). The consistency of the brand concept must stand the test of time, leading to the creation of an identity. There should be a consistent increase during a prolonged period, the strategies for creating the concept of brand, to keep the connection between identity and brand image (Chernatony and McDonald, 2003; Kapferer, 997; Keller, 993, 998; Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000; Carrilat et. al., 20 ; Monga and John, 20 0; Batra et. al., 20 0; Janonis et. al., 2007; Fischer et. al., 20 0; Sonnier and Ainslie, 20 ). Thus, as the brand concept is understood as a name, a
The purpose of this study is to discuss and elaborate the main issues encountered in managing brand equity. In order to achieve this purpose, we first analyse the concept of brand equity; second, we provide a comprehensive framework for managing brand equity; and finally, we distinguish different ways to leverage and measure brand equity. The concept of brand equity emerged in the early 1990s. Brand equity can be regarded as a managerial concept, as a financial intangible asset, as a relationship concept or as a customer-based concept from the perspective of the individual consumer. The main asset dimensions of brand
Macdonald & Sharp, 2003 states that it is a strong influencer in the buying decision consideration process, as most of the consumers prefer buying brands they are aware and would like to be confident when making the purchase decision. The cost of acquiring customers is a significant expense for most businesses so higher brand awareness will help draw potential customers with little or no costs. Retaining customers is an even harder process than the former so strong brand loyalty among the customers will help sustain the business on a long term basis. Popular brands often use tools like newsletters, promotions, and satisfaction surveys to stay in touch with their existing to pool of customers in order to maintain brand awareness among consumers. Brands should also focus on research related to aided and unaided brand recall as it can help bring down marketing costs significantly while increasing the management’s understanding of the business (Holden, 1993). Aided recall looks at what thoughts/feelings the customer associates with the brand while unaided recall looks at what brands of a specific product category the customer can think of without any prompts. The former helps marketing professionals to focus on building brand awareness to attract new customers whereas the latter focuses on improving the brand image among existing customers. Simply put, the more people are aware of the brand
-brand exploratory – research activity conducted to understand what consumers think and feel about the brand and its corresponding product category to ID sources of brand equity.
Nowadays people have a lifestyle which is demanding. They do not have time for a moment
Advances in marketing effort have resulted in many changes in company. One such strategy is the plan of branding. Branding illustrates a positioning of a company and its product through a symbolic mean. Nowadays, branding has become significantly important as a mean to encourage repeated purchases. Moreover according to Bubba (2015, n.p), branding allows a company to promote its product and/or its service making customers form an association between the product and the company. “If you’re remembered as a quality provider, then you will be encouraging repeat business.” (Ibid.). This essay will examine important and cases in point of branding and its chain reaction on consumer behaviors in present day.
4. Brand Loyalty: Aaker (1996) defined brand loyalty as the attachment of a customer to a brand. According to the attitudinal perspective, brand loyalty is defined as a deeply held commitment to re-buy a preferred product or service consistently in the future despite situational influences and marketing efforts having potential to cause switching behavior (Oliver, 1997).From the behavioral perspective Odin, Odin and Valette-Florence (2001) suggested that the customer who buys the brand systematically is considered loyal to this brand. Authors may differ in defining the brand loyalty but they all agree on the importance of focusing on loyal customers and trying to increase their number and their loyalty. Managers know that loyal customers do buy more with willingness to spend more, are easier to reach and act as an advocate for the brands’ firms (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001; Odin, et al., 2001; Oliver, 1997).