
Edward Snowden: Hero Or Villain?

Decent Essays

Society often classifies people into two categories, heroes and villains, which causes conflict among individuals with different perceptions. High-school dropout, discharged soldier, and former National Security Agency (N.S.A.) employee Edward Snowden is infamous for leaking information he claimed the public should know. During his years at the agency, he collected millions of documents containing information on the N.S.A.’s surveillance activities and later released them all to the British press. While some believe Snowden is a hero, he clearly is a villain because he is an irresponsible, reckless, and ignorant traitor. Snowden’s release of millions of government documents caused the Justice Department to accuse him of “stealing government property, communicating national-defense information without authorization, and revealing classified …show more content…

Therefore, Snowden’s true intentions are evident by his rash decision to trade significant information to other countries in return for his financial and personal safety. This is not surprising of “A grandiose narcissist,” who saw an opportunity for fame under the excuse of “serving his country” (Toobin 1). Moreover, any educated individual knows that “the entire mission of the agency is to intercept electronic communications” (Toobin 1). Therefore, Snowden can be characterized as a villain because he not only disrupted a legal process because of his ignorance but also sabotaged his own homeland. As can be seen, Snowden is, above all, a traitor; he deserves to be punished for his irresponsible, illegal, and rash action. If his idea was doing what is morally right, then he could have achieved it legally inside his own country, even if it took twice as long. That is what heroes do; they don’t inflict damage on their nation and simply run away from reality. If the

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