
Edward Jenner Essay

Decent Essays

Edward Jenner was a scientist in the mid 1700's until the early 1800's who is credited as the Father of Immunology. His experiments with vaccines made it possible to nearly wipe out the threat of death from the smallpox disease, a disease that killed many people and had no cure. Although things worked out for Jenner, he would not have passed the World Health Organization International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects nor the Nuremburg Code.

Edward Jenner's first test subject was the son of his gardner. Jenner infected him with cowpox from the pus he scrapped from the hand of a female farm worker. This directly contridicts the standard set by the Nuremburg Code along with the WHO Ethicial Guidelines. The Nuremburg Code was a set of moral and ethical standards that scientists …show more content…

During the Holocaust, Nazi Germany captured and tried to irradicate the Jewish people. They outright killed some in gas chambers or shot them, but there were many who were subjected to unthink physcial and mental experimentation which was more along the lines of torture. These horrific acts took place in consentration camps where Jews were held against their will. Possibly the worst camp for human medical experimention was Auschwitz. There Dr. Joesph Mendel used experimentation as a tool for torture. After World War II, many of the doctors and Nazi officers were brought to trial at Nuremburg, Germany. The Nuremburg Code was part of the result of these trials. There are ten ethical guidelines that comprise The Nuremburg Code and they are: human subject must be voluntary, constenting and wel-informed, the results should positively effect society, should be based on previous experiments from animals, should avoid physical and mental suffering, should not be done if it involves the risk of death, the risk should not

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