
Educational Equity And Education Equity : The Causes Of Education

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I surrender, is not worth it. I rather work than waste my time that won't pay back. This must be the words of many minority teenagers who have dropped out of school. Students leave school without completing upper secondary education or without the relevant skills that have fewer life prospects. Those same students are being subtracted through their educational achievements, in which by the time it can further be affecting the initial of lifetime learning. This mindset puts teenagers behind in school. It provokes students to fail and give up on school. There isn't any hope when they have lost motivation to keep increasing their knowledge of which has been fading. Furthermore, students who have lack of opportunities in school, degrading their privilege and preventing them from a higher economic lifestyle, would most likely end up with unemployment. But what’s causing these problems are the low support generated through education equity in school, the economic failures in schools and the subtraction schooling system against diversity.
Upon further examination, Educational equity is lacking the support to all individual students learning skills, before attending college. Educational Equity means that social background, gender, ethnic, race, are not obstacles to achieve a high educational potential, instead, all individuals would reach at least a basic minimum level skills. But what is the issue with this idea? Every individual would receive a minimum level of skills.Why can’t everyone be provided with the same amount of skills for those who need the most? The most affected upon the low support of educational equity system in school are the minority students. According to Richard, from OECD states that “50% of minorities drop out of school”( Richard, 2012). Meaning that they are the one who receives the minimum level of education due to many obstacles. Some of their obstacles are being the first generation to accomplish high school education, the first one to go to college, generate minimum support from parents since they are not educated enough. Despite the meaning, of educational equity. “The highest performing education system are those that combine equity with quality”(OECD, 2012). They provide all students

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