
Education Essay : The Value Of Education

Decent Essays

The Value of Education Education has been a powerful instrument that guides the society in achieving human desires and aspirations. It is in the nature of human beings to have big dreams in life. Everyone desires to be successful and lead a prosperous lifestyle. However, a successful life is a fruit of good education. I believe in the value of education because it has the power to transform one from nothing to something. From a naïve young boy or girl to a future president, banker, pilot, accountant and computer scientist among many more successful careers. Therefore, education is the most important tool that children can inherit from their parents. I come from a family of educated individuals. My parents have successful careers achieved through attaining college education. My forefathers were also educated and lived a decent lifestyle that is evident from their past achievements. As such, I come from a family that values the importance of education as the sheer driving force of the society. My parents have nurtured me to be an obedient person. They have provided me with shelter, food, clothing, happiness and most importantly, education. Since I was young, my parents taught me the importance of being the best in what I do. They advised me that education is the key to attaining a prosperous future through hard work and determination. I remember one discussion we had whereby my father emphasized that education requires just a small sacrifice so as to reap the fruits of hard

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