
Edmund Petus Letter

Decent Essays

I hope that this letter finds you in a good condition. I write this letter to you in the hopes that you will listen to my advice and heed me. Believe me, it is in our best interests and efforts to not go against Judge Hare’s injunction and cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge. I have been hard at work making a voting rights bill that I am sure will pass in Congress. However. I need you adhere to the injunction so that we can grant blacks better voting rights, as you desire and have toiled for. We require some patience and it will be done. However, despite this, I heard that you wish to cross the Edmund Pettus bridge, against Judge Hare’s injunction against you. By doing this you commit a federal crime and in the process, you gain negative press attention which would undo all the hard work required for the bill to pass. It would make passing the bill unlikely. This is the last thing that we need to worry about and I implore you--do not …show more content…

King, not only do you gain negative attention, but you also incite violence from Sheriff Clark. This act will reflect negatively against you on newspapers and television nationally. Despite the injunction, you would have crossed the bridge willingly, putting your peoples in harm way and giving Clark an excuse to use violence on you. He has been violent to your protesters in the past as well. When your protesters were protesting the injunction, he was quick to use violence at the county courthouse. This will also further the racial tensions at Selma. It will make my job of trying to pass this bill much harder and in turn that will affect getting your voting rights. Although you are trying to pass through the bridge with peaceful intentions, the benefits do not outweigh the risks of breaking federal law and being attacked by Sheriff Clark and his men. If you can wait and not cross the bridge it gives me time to focus on getting this bill passed, rather than me having to worry about the consequences of your

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