
Edelman Trust Barometer: A Case Study

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(San Diego, CA) Chatmeter announces they have now automated reputation management and local SEO for retailers with multiple locations. With the help of this platform, businesses find they are able to obtain the full picture of all stores across reviews, social media, listing accuracy and search rankings. The platform provides actionable items stores can take immediately to improve their presence, reputation and rankings, thus this is one tool no company should be without.

"The 2014 Edelman Trust Barometer reported that 65 percent of internet users placed a great deal of importance on online search with regards to information about a company or person, using this measure more than any other. This is of great significance, …show more content…

Review management is one area of concern to many, as it alerts the company to any new content related to their operations. It takes this a step further and provides benchmarks, so the company can see how they compare to their competition. Social media analytics, local listings management and workflow management also play a role in reputation management, thus the platform tracks these areas as well, along with many others.

Online harassment continues to be a problem online, and individuals aren't the only ones affected. Companies may find they are a victim of online harassment, with two-thirds of this activity occurring on social media apps and websites, as reported by Pew Research. As the internet allows a person to remain anonymous, it's easy for someone to launch a personal attack against a business and damage the company's reputation. For this reason, reputation management is now more important than ever before.

In addition to monitoring their reputation, a company needs to pull data together to determine which locations are ranking high in organic and local search results and which are failing in this area. Consumers tend to choose one local search site and/or organic search site to find information on a retailer they wish to visit. For this reason, companies need to track all locations for local SEO

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