
Economic Issues In A Raisin In The Sun

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Harsh situations are not always meant to cause disappointment, sometimes they’re meant to make people stronger. In A Raisin in the Sun which is a play composed by Lorraine Hansberry, concentrates on a family that faces situations, consequently by racial discrimination and economic complications. Despite the financial and racial issues the family faces, the Younger family will persevere.
Economic issues are major influences to their way of living. For example, Ruth and Travis are having a conversation and Ruth states, “Well I ain't got no fifty cents this morning.” Then Travis responds to her saying, “Teacher say we have to.” After that Ruth tells him, “I don’t care what teacher say. I ain't got it” (Hansberry 1544). Ruth isn’t able to …show more content…

Lindner states, “ I says, that for the happiness of all concerned that our Negro families are happier when they live in their own communities. Our association is prepared, through the collective effort of our people, to buy the house from you at the financial gain to your family” (Hansberry 1590). The community that the Younger family are going to move in (Clybourne Park), did not want them to be part of their white neighborhood. Additionally, Racism is everywhere they go, also including in the new neighborhood they are deciding to move in. Also, “Integrating Dubois’ ideas of racism in to Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, this study reveals the belief that Blacks must severely demand their rights against racial oppressions in order to transcend and eliminate racism” (Nowrouzi). African American’s did not have the same rights as other human beings in the United States. They have to fight for what they wanted, so they could succeed. Furthermore, “This study argues that racism makes African Americans end up in unequal economic and social condition. Therefore, not being first hand citizens, Africans Americans’ effort, services and race are disdained” (Nowrouzi). Because African American’s were treated just because of their race and color they suffered through money and racism situations. As shown, people were treated differently based on what color they were. Racism was hard for colored people to face and this …show more content…

For example, Lena(Mama) applauds Walter’s coming age, she states that he’s finally come into his manhood. He now has the courage (roots) to move and grow in the new neighborhood (Ardolino). After the huge mistake that Walter makes, he decides to not give up and continue living life. The whole family decides to gain determination because of the challenges they took on. Also, Lena decides to make a down payment for their new house so can they actually own something and future Younger generations can raise their families (Oppegaard). They want to be prepared for their upcoming life and provide a better life for themselves. The Younger family, even thinks about the prosperity that they want for future generations. In the play Mama tells Beneatha, “Yes- I taught you that. Me and your daddy. But I thought I taught you something else too… I thought I taught you to love him” (Hansberry 1604). Mama doesn’t want Beneatha to keep holding grudges towards Walter. She wants her to keep moving on with her life, so she can get closer to achieving her dreams.Forgetting regrets is the best way to succeed in life. The Younger’s realized that they weren't going to get anywhere if they they continued to hold on to the

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