
Economic Freedom, By John Milton Friedman By Milton Friedman

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In chapter one Milton Friedman talks about the relations of economic freedom and political freedom. The chapter starts off with, “It is widely believed that politics and economics are separate and largely unconnected;” (Friedman pg. 1) But economics and politics are not separate and do connect in many ways. It is also a factor of freedom itself. Many disrespect economic freedom as stressing materialism but this is a misunderstanding. The man who wants to exchange goods with someone in another country is forced to stop doing so by government tariffs. Without these boundaries, power can be distributed in different directions, and this makes power and control harder for the government. We tend to forget that economic and political organizations …show more content…

His thesis about the fact that economic freedom is a condition for political freedom. Freidman says, “…a society which is socialist cannot also be democratic in the sense of guaranteeing individual freedom.” (Friedman) After reading chapter one I had to buy the book to finish it because I wanted to read more into it. After reading the book I fully agree with his thesis. What did come to my head though while reading is what really is economic freedom? Economic freedom does provide stability and new potential activities in this area. To me economic freedom supports other freedoms. Now back to the thesis. It was proven the economic freedom was a prerequisite for political freedom. So, I do agree with Friedman’s thesis. People are not allowed to develop economically without tight government control. “The world runs on individuals pursing their interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way.” (Friedman) What I got from this is that independent policy should be based on economic power if that’s what the country

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