The subject I have chosen to write my five most interesting facts about is the ebola virus. Fact one, Proffesor van guido van der groen virologist , co discoveverd ebola, after in depth research the research reveled that ebola has been around for many of years before 1976 Fact two, Ebola gained its name from the land mark of the black river otherwise known as the ebola river , the area where the ebola virus had it first outbreak in Yambuku 1976 Fact three, Ebola could only be transmitted through humans aswell as animals , it can be transmitted through handiling dead or ill humans aswell as chimpanzens , Ebola is transmitted through direct contact with infected body fluids or tissue. Fact four, Research has shown that bats are the source
The Ebola virus was first discovered in the year 1976 in Africa. Since then, there have been
It showed up in Marburg, Germany in 1967; Preston acknowledges that, “The virus erupted in a factory called The Behring Works, which produced vaccines using kidney cells from African green monkeys” (Preston 35). This was perhaps one of the many opportunities that Marburg received to change species and infect humans; before then Ebola had only been present in Monkeys. Another opportunity arose in Africa inside Kitum Cave, where Ebola seemed to have infected multiple people (Preston 140). It is not known exactly what infected the people who visited Kitum Cave, however, there is strong evidence the disease is harbored inside the
This book took place in the late 1980's, and it is based upon an outbreak of the Ebola virus in a monkey house located in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Reston, Virginia. The first occurrence of an Ebola-like virus (Marburg) takes place in Kenya and a French expatriate named Charles Monet is the first to die from this disease. His terrible and excruciatingly fatal death is described in the most horrific details by Preston. The hospital staff who treated Monet became infected with the virus as well, traveling fast throughout the hospital and carried on more deaths. The Marburg virus was first to explode in a vaccine factory in Germany in 1967. Over the next several chapters, the book describes outbreaks that occurred four years before Monet’s death. Preston then goes on to explaining how
Ebola was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River which is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. There are five identified ebola virus species: Ebola virus (Zaire ebolavirus); Sudan virus (Sudan ebolavirus); Taï Forest virus (Taï Forest ebolavirus); and the Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo ebolavirus). The fifth, Reston virus (Reston ebolavirus), causes disease in nonhuman primates. There have been ebola outbreaks in Africa starting in 1976 and lasting until 2016. These outbreaks have occurred as a result of human to human contact with bodily fluids which happens mostly during funerals of the deceased and population migration between countries. Patterns between outbreaks could potentially
Although Ebola caught the world’s attention during the 1995 outbreak in Zaire, the first outbreak occurred in 1976. As the chart below displays, 71% of the people infected died as a result of Ebola during this first outbreak (Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 56 (2): 247-270, 1978). With the current outbreak, this ratio has dramatically decreased as a result of scientific research leading to early detection, but the current infected population is more than 20 times the amount of any previous outbreak and this number continues to grow as no vaccine exists to prevent the disease.
Ebola has been located in many different African countries. Since 1976 there have been around 21 outbreaks of Ebola virus reported. However, in the 2014 outbreak, there was known to be more cases and more deaths of Ebola than all of the historical outbreaks combined together five times more. Your chances of getting Ebola are very slim. However, if you are or if you have been in a place where there has been a recent outbreak of Ebola disease your chances are at a higher risk. Scientist believe that the first person that received Ebola was a two-year-old in southern Guinea. Since 1976 to 2016 there have been 28,637 reported cases of Ebola and, they figure up to 11,315 deaths. The cause of the Ebola virus results in damaged vascular cells that are formed from the blood vessels, damage to the liver, large amounts of viruses in the blood etc. Ebola causes uncontrollable bleeding and, that eventually leads to fluid and blood loss that can cause hypotensive shock which causes death in most of the Ebola- infected victims. The virus destroys and damages the microvascular endothelial cells and this results in external and internal bleeding from the mucosal surfaces. For example, the nasal passage, gums, mouth and even
First discovered in the 1970’s, the ebola virus was contained to West Africa (“About Ebola Virus Disease”). Villagers’ diets consisted primarily of the resources readily available. Among these resources were fruit, vegetables, and animals, namely monkeys. Monkeys carried the ebola virus, and when people ate them, without proper cleaning and cooking techniques, they became infected. Ebola, formally known as Zaire Ebola Virus, is transmitted through bodily fluids like saliva, blood, semen, breast milk, mucus, sweat, tears, feces and urine. ("Ebola in West Africa."). Since it was introduced to a third world country, where hygiene is not regarded as important as survival. Without education, protection and segregated sewage, the virus began to spread. In days people were dying after spreading the virus to those closest to them (Waterman). The bodies, though dead, were still harboring the virus and
Discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River, Ebola’s first two outbreaks in Sudan and Zaire killed the majority, over half, of the people infected with the disease. Although the natural host reservoir of Ebola has yet to be found, the virus is believed to be animal-borne. A person gets Ebola from a wild animal and then is spread throughout the human population through person-to-person transmission. Healthcare workers providing aide for Ebola victims know that they have a high possibility of contracting the disease because they are exposed to infected blood and body fluids. It could take from two to twenty-one days for the Ebola Virus to show symptoms in humans, and
Ashton Nicholas SPC 205 Informative Speech Outline Ebola Virus General Purpose: To inform. Specific Purpose: To explain to my audience research and facts about what Ebola is, what the symptoms and treatments are, how Ebola is spread, and where Ebola is in the world today. Central Idea: Research is helping us to discover and learn all the facts about Ebola. Introduction I. Attention-Getter:
I want you to imagine yourself in a room. Fill it with whatever furnishings you like. Are you done? If so, I want you to imagine ten people in this room with you. They can be people you know or completely fictitious. Consider this. What if I told you that a virus could kill nine out of these ten people and there was nothing you could do to stop it? It is a scary thought, but one that carries real substance in various regions of Africa. In this paper, I will inform you on the virus known as “Ebola” which will include its history, inner workings, signs/symptoms, treatment, and prevention. As a precaution, I must warn you that some of this information is not for the faint of heart.
Ebola is the virus Ebolavirus (EBOV), a viral genus, and the disease Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF), a viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF). The virus is named after the Ebola River Valley in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire), which is near the site of the first recognized outbreak in 1976 at a mission hospital run by Flemish nuns. It has remained largely obscure until 1989 when several widely publicized outbreaks occurred among
The Ebola Haemorrahagic Fever, or Ebola for short, was first recognized as a virus in 1967. The first breakout that caused the Ebola virus to be recognized was in Zaire with 318 people infected and 280 killed. There are five subtypes of the Ebola virus, but only four of them affect humans. There are the Ebola-Zaire, Ebola-Sudan, Ebola-Ivory Coast and the Ebola-Bundibugyo. The fifth one, the Ebola-Reston, only affects nonhuman primates. The Ebola-Zaire was recognized on August 26, 1976 with a 44 year old schoolteacher as the first reported case. The Ebola-Sudan virus was also recognized in 1976 and was thought to be that same as Ebola-Zaire and it is thought to have broken out in a cotton factory in the Sudan. The Ebola-Ivory Coast was
Ebola is a disease outbreaking and killing off many Africans. It was also brought to the U.S. and infected people. the first case in the latest Ebola outbreak was in December 2013 in Guinea. in guinea the health facilities are weak and the doctors and medical workers aren't ready for such a big project and
Ebolavirus is a member of the Filoviridae virus family and there are five strains known. Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV) is the virus currently being battled in west africa and across the world. Ebola is a deadly and rare disease that is caused by infection with one of the five Ebola Virus strains. Ebola is considered a viral disease that can be highly contractible when in contact with bodily fluids of the infected. EBOV is the most deadly of the five strains with a mortality rate between fifty and ninety percent. Ebolavirus is a zoonosis, which is an innocuous agent that lives in animals, only infecting humans on rare occasions. The disease originated in Africa, but has effected many areas around the world.
The Ebola virus is a virus that has been transmitted throughout Western and Central Africa throughout the past forty years. The virus looks like a long, tube-shaped cell that often tangles over itself; it is about 80 nm in diameter and can grow up to 14,000 nm long (TKH Virology Notes Ebola, n.d.). The Ebola virus was first discovered in Sudan, near a river by the same name. The virus was first discovered in 1976, and is still around today. The ebola virus is in the Filoviridae family and the Ebolavirus genus. There are five known strains of the Ebola virus, they are Tai Forest ebolavirus, Reston ebolavirus, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus and Zaire ebolavirus (Ebola virus disease, n.d.). The Ebola virus is believed to have started