
Ebola Monologue

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Getting off the plane I can already feel the dry, humid heaves of the environment pressing against my body. My colleagues and I have traveled to West Africa, Liberia to conduct field studies in a nearby hot zone for an Ebola outbreak. We will stay in a nearby town named Monrovia, Liberia just off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a small, crowded and noisy town. Much like a majority of the country it is of very low human living standards. A typical day here includes large pickup trucks roaming around town picking up and dropping off infected corpses. The CDC (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has provided the indigenous people with treatment facilities, medication and staff to help diminish the severity of the outbreak. The townspeople have took it …show more content…

It was no coincidence that this had been an ongoing issue for quite some time now. Some families have had deaths of family members from over fifteen years ago. Sadly, not much could be done for these families but to treat the infectious people by all means necessary. In fact, there have been rumors that a doctor in a neighboring town has started a treatment via blood transfusion. Many people disagree others do not, but when an epidemic reaches this level of severity it often leads to people taking desperate measures. It truly becomes frightening and worrisome. When first arriving I knew this was an outbreak that would and has shocked the world. However, the up close experience is a true eye opener and wake up call for an issue that could potentially impact the entire globe. My experience has been stressful and has been tragic. With such a high infectious and fatality rate it is as if you never see the same face twice. Furthermore, I hope the work my team and I have done has a significant impact on the people. I would definitely come back given we are the only hope these people may

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