
Eating Disorders : The Most Difficult Disorders

Decent Essays

Eating disorders is one of the most difficult disorders that I have worked with. When I was in college I worked for Easter Seals as a developmental disability worker. I Served in a direct care role while in college by helping people with disabilities and their families, and assessed client’s unique challenges and provided individual support to enable a fulfilling and productive life. I also developed action plans and documented client progress throughout. I worked with children with downs syndrome and who were completely non-verbal with behavior difficulties. Despite the many challenges I faced while in this position, it was nowhere near as challenging as working with a young adult with an eating disorder. After reading the articles and watching the video, I would consider her anorexic binge/purge type. For a while I thought she was bulimic, however this week’s readings has taught me that she would not have been considered to have bulimia due to her constantly wanting to work out, lose more weight, purge using laxatives. She was extremely underweight and was not having her period for most of time I was working with her.
Treating eating disorders is tricky. According to the articles, bulimia nervosa is more often treated, due to the patients having more motivation to receive treatment, be in the action stage of recovery when entering treatment, and are known to gain more positive results from treatment than patients with anorexia nervosa. The article about anorexia nervosa

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