
Eating Disorders Research Paper

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Eating disorders are a combination of behavioral, biological, emotional, interpersonal, and social factors. Scientists and researchers are still learning about what causes these disorders. We know about some of the general causes that contribute to the development of these disorders. Eating disorders aren't just about food and weight. People try to use food to cope with overwhelming feelings and emotions. Dieting, binging, and purging help them to feel in control of their lives (NEDA, n.d.). For this reason, lets look at the role of the primary drive of hunger. How does the body identify you are hungry? The hypothalamus in the brain causes hunger. Signals are sent from the liver and stomach to message the brain of hunger. When hungry your …show more content…

Damage to this are of the brain can cause a person to overeat, with no warning to stop. The intestines release a hormone called glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) that also tells us to stop eating. It takes 10 minutes for the hypothalamus to respond, this is why it is important to eat slow. (Introduction of Psychology, n.d.). Another area of the hypothalamus is called para ventricular nucleus and it is sensitive to a substance called neuropeptide Y (NPY). Nueropeptides are a chain of amino acids released into the blood or brain. When high amounts of NPY are present it can cause a person to continue eating until they can't eat another bite (Introduction of Psychology, n.d.). Furthermore, eating disorders occur more in females than in males, although eating disorders do occur in males. Research agrees that eating disorders in males and females are similar, such as age when the disorder occurred, dissatisfaction of the body, and weight of the body. Media and society play a major role in the idea of how a male or females body should appear. The need to be thin is broadcast through television, magazines and movies (Wegenka,

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