
East Hampton Community Involvement Measures: A Case Study

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East Hampton Community Involvement Measures When hearing the name East Hampton, some people may immediately think about large home own by the supper rich. This however, is not what full time residences think about however. This tightknit community, who call themselves Bonackers (taken from Accabonac creek that runs through the area), are blue color workers that (in some cases) have lived in the same home for generations (Israel, 2013, n.p.). Understanding the dynamics of this, or any community is the key to engaging the population in mitigation projects.
The Home Town Feel If you were to ask a Bonacker why they live in the Village of East Hampton, the explanation most people would probably give would be the place its self. This strong sense of spiritual community can be utilized to connect individuals with mitigation projects that may not necessarily affect them (Krajeski, & Peterson, 2013, p. 158). For instance, East Hampton is located on Long Island, New York but not everyone lives on, or near the beach. The sense of spiritual community however, may convince other individuals of the importance of mitigation potentially destructive storm surge by preserving wetlands (New York Climate Smart Communities, 2015, p. 16). This does sense of spiritual community need to be balanced against the potential hazards. Individuals may not want to follow …show more content…

Issues like poverty, limited resources, and health issues can be identified through events like local sensing sessions (Nirupama, & Maula, 2013, p. 56). It may not seem like it but East Hampton has several groups of populations that may have special needs. These include the elderly, and a growing working poor. It is important to understand these individualistic views and be able to address their interests (Krajeski, & Peterson, 2013, p.

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