
Early Leadership Theory Relating to Tents-R-Us Case Study

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Contents Page

1. Introduction

2. Background- Early Leadership Theory & Tent-R-Us

3. Personality Era

1. The Great Man Theory & Tents-R-Us

2. Trait Theory & Tents-R-Us

4. Influence Era

1. Power Relations & Tents-R-Us

2. Persuasion Period & Tents-R-U

5. Strengths and Weakness of Tents-R-Us

6. Conclusion

7. References

1. Introduction

The following report was compiled to discuss early leadership theories relating to the case study Tents-R-Us, with citation to relevant literature throughout. The ones that are relevant …show more content…

Although the early part of the personality era is important this was a building block that needed expansion, so personality traits were incorporated to expand on the great man theory.

3.2 Trait Theory

Trait theory is similar in nature to that of the great man approach in that traits of personality are considered to be inherent. Trait theory was explored in the early 20th century and was built on from the great man theory. Tead (1929) discussed trait theory as someone who held a specific group of traits that would evolve followers to complete a chosen task.

R. Bolden et al (2003) discussed that the trait approach stemmed from the great man approach and that trait approach was common within the military and is still used as a set criteria today to commission candidates. It’s clear from the case study that Peter Ridge has quite a military style of leadership of command and control style. Bass (1981) stated that leadership is still classified as a critical factor in military success and has been continually recorded. Trait theories are qualities that are within a human being which constitutes a leader. Stogdill (1974) spoke about there being a list of leadership traits and related skills, he sees leaders as adaptable to situations, ambitious and achievement orientated, assertive, energetic,

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