
Early Intervention Case Study

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Pramila noted that “EI (early intervention) is a system that provides” Pramila noted that “coordinated services that promotes the child growth and development, which support families during the critical early years” (Pramila Sindhia 2007). In responds to what is an early intervention program for 0-3 years – old. A child that is developmental delay, they may or meet one or all of the areas, cognitive development, physical development, communication development, social emotional development and adaptive development, also vision, and hearing are eligible for these services. During the process of the evaluation and assessment a diagnose will be determine if the child has a delay or disability, this will provide information to the evaluation team, with findings of the child, determining eligibility for early intervention. …show more content…

The child will receive service in an environment that is a natural environment amongst peers, treated fairly. Esmeralda noted that “Research shows that participation in family-centered, early intervention services during the first three years of life can have significant effects on the cognitive development and social adjustment of low birthweight, premature children and on the overall development of young children with disabilities”. (Esmeralda Garcia –Martinez

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