
Early Childhood Observation Essay

Decent Essays

As an educator it is important to remember that “in your efforts to partner with families in their child’s learning and development, you are the expert in child development and education, but they are the experts in their child and the child’s disability” (Ray, 2009). Working together with a family allows the professional to understand the overall background of the family and share common interests of the child. Communicate with parents and ask for their help. “In your communications as an educator, include positive comments about the child’s successes and express your respect for the parents’ efforts in helping their child develop as fully as possible” (Ray, 2009). Some ways to communicate with parents is by keep a daily journal of behavior and progress notes to share with the parents, make …show more content…

As a professional in the Early Childhood field, I would attend monthly seminars/webinars on new trainings to keep myself updated on the new ideas surrounding early childhood. In the State of Illinois, the program I am most familiar with that provides Early Childhood Professionals with opportunities to further their professional development is the Gateways to Opportunity Registry. Gateways to Opportunity provides resources for earning different credentials, scholarships, GREAT Start (wage supplement), and online trainings. It is important for educators/professionals to stay educated as this is one of our roles “lifelong

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