
Early Anthropogenic Hypothesis

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The Holocene Epoch is the timescale given to the last 11,700 years of earth’s history, beginning at the end of the last ice age. (BD Smith et al, 2013) Therefore it can be noted as being a relatively warm period in history in comparison to other scales of time from the past. The Early Anthropogenic Hypothesis is an idea put forward by Professor William F Ruddiman from the University of Virginia which states that the effects of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions did not occur simply since the industrial era, but may well have been kick started many thousands of years before this, closer to the start of the Holocene. By which may have prevented the start of an ice age during this timescale. However there are many views which agree and disagree …show more content…

Professor William Ruddiman put forward the Early Anthropogenic hypothesis which describes how the rise in CO2 levels began way back near the start of the Holocene, roughly 8,000 years before present (Ruddiman, 2003). Which was also a key reason why another predicted ice age did not occur. Ruddiman believed that early methods of agriculture commencing at the start of the Neolithic Revolution (J Weisdorf, 2005) in the rather more spread out population centres of the period such as Eurasia were the beginning of the rapid rise in CO2 and methane in the atmosphere. Deforestation made way for the expansion in livestock grazing lands and rice irrigation systems, (G Leong, 1974) all of which contributed humoungously to the output of CO2 and methane (Ruddiman, 2005). The decrease in woodland meant that there was less CO2 held in the trees, causing it to spread into the atmosphere and the increase in livestock saw a consequent increase in methane being excreted into the atmosphere as well (EPA, 2014). Humans, even at this point in history were already making remarkable steps in technology, the creation of fires and alike for the use of cooking and heating would’ve also contributed vastly as this was fuelled by sources of timber and peat that gave off vast levels of CO2 when combusted. Which as a repercussion …show more content…

However there is a large range of other background climatic, scientific information that Ruddiman failed to account for. Milankovitch Cycles are a major factor in climate change, which isn’t recognised in the Early Anthropogenic Hypothesis. The Milankovitch cycles incorporate three variations in the earth’s orbit. The Eccentricity, the Obliquity and the Precession. The eccentricity is a 100,000 year cycle which is affected by other planets in the solar system and as a consequence alters the earth’s orbit from being elliptical to more circular. The Obliquity runs a course of a 41,000 year cycle which causes the angle of the earth’s tilt to change from 22.1o to 24.5o. And finally the Precession is a 26,000 year cycle which affects the direction of the earth’s tilt. (DA Short et al, 1989) Obviously with the changes of orbit and angle of the earth’s tilt, the earth will experience a change in climate as time goes by, this is due to the fact that the insolation rate of the sun’s rays on the earth (F J Monkhouse, 1965) are dependent on the angle at which the earth is tilted and also how far away the earth is while in motion through its orbit. As a consequence from this, the effects of such a change could enhance the formation of a glacial ice age or indeed the opposite and send the climates temperatures higher than usual. This as a consequence seems apparent in such times as the Holocene,

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