
Eagle Scout Research Paper

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Road to Eagle Scout Have you ever wondered about what it takes to become an Eagle Scout? It takes a lot of hard work and completing requirements to earn the title of an Eagle Scout. Although the work is hard, the joy found in being a scout member is unmeasurable. Being a boy scout is a very rewarding experience. Historically, boys who have earned the title of Eagle have been proud of it for years to come. In Boy Scouts, there are six ranks to complete before you are eligible for Eagle Scout. The first rank to earn is Scout. This rank is the easiest rank to earn. Then Tenderfoot and Second Class are the next two ranks to earn. These ranks focus a lot on the basic life skills such as first aid, tying knots and how to pack effectively for camping trips. The next rank is First Class, this rank opens up a lot of activities the Boy Scout is able to participate in. Reaching First Class is a great accomplishment for a scout to acquire. Star and Life are the last two ranks to earn before being eligible for Eagle. Star and Life ranks are mainly focusing on leadership roles and merit badges. Once all of these ranks are complete then a scout can begin …show more content…

Typically, once a month the troop holds a camping event. The boys pack up and head out to various sites and enjoy nature. The troop also organizes and encourage the boys to work on service hours. Service hours are any time the scout volunteers willfully to help the community. Leadership is a big part of scouts. The program encourage and help equip boys to communicate effectively and take leadership roles in various situations. Most troops hold weekly meetings and most of the meetings are Boy Scout lead. The adult leaders are there for guidance but the boys typically lead the meetings. The boys look forward to summer camp each year. Camps are fun because the boys work on learning life skills through merit

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