
EGTRA: Tax Exemption

Decent Essays

The following figures are the tax rates and exemptions prior the 2001 tax bill and after the signed EGTRRA:

Before EGTRRA: the tax rates in 2002 – 2010 are fixed at 55 percent. The exemptions for estate tax and gift tax are $700,000 for 2002 – 2003; $850,000 for 2004; $950,000 for 2005; 1 million for 2006 – 2010. The generation skipping transfer tax exemptions are $1.1 million in 2002; $1.12 million in 2003; $1.14 million in 2004; $1.17 million in 2005; $1.20 million in 2006; $1.24 million in 2007; $1.27 million in 2008; $1.3 million in 2009; $1.33 million in 2010.

After EGTRRA: tax rates are as follows 50 percent in 2002; 49 percent in 2003; 48 percent in 2004; 47 percent in 2005; 46 percent in 2006; 45 percent in 2007-2009. The estate

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