
Dysphagia In Elderly Patients

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Elderly residents living in residential aged care facilities (RACF) are entitled to receive appropriate nutrition and hydration, along with a pleasurable mealtime experience. Mealtimes and eating are a fundamental aspect of daily activity. Apart from providing nourishment, mealtimes allow for social interactions and communication with other residents and care staff (Barnes, Wasielewska, Raiswell, & Drummond, 2013). However, dysphagia is a common occurrence in RACF residents (Speech Pathology Australia., 2015). The condition is defined as a delay or misdirection of food or fluid swallowed, or put simply ‘swallowing difficulties’(Groher, 2010). Dysphagia has been reported in 50 to 75% of elderly residents living within RACF (Cichero, 2013; DeFabrizio & Rajappa, 2010; O'Loughlin & Shanley, 1998). In addition, communication and mealtime difficulties may increase in older people due to chronic or degenerative conditions. …show more content…

Advancing age does not cause dysphagia, but it may contribute, particularly in combination with certain neurological conditions, such as dementia, stroke and Parkinson’s disease (Humbert & Robbins, 2008; Sura, Madhavan, Carnaby, & Crary,

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