
Dynamic Characters Of The Most Dangerous Game

Satisfactory Essays

How do the hunted feel? In the story ¨The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell Rainsford is the most dynamic character because at the beginning he believes that you are either a hunter or a huntee but at the end but at the end he learns that you can be both. In the story Rainsford is a hunter who meets General Zaroff -another hunter- who admires him and his skill. Rainsford soon learns that Zaroff is a monster who hunts and kills people. He tries to get away but soon realizes that he is forced to hunt with Zaroff resulting in his change in opinion about the world. In the story ¨The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell Rainsford is the most dynamic character because at the beginning he believes that you are either a hunter or a huntee.

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