
Duty To Report Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Duty to Report…! On 12/3/15 at approximately 1800, Mrs. Secor approached me with some information that was very odd to say the least. Mrs. Secor felt the need to explain a conversation with an inmate identified as Mark D. Charlie (OB:508745). After conversing with the inmate, Mrs. Secor was in the booking area, where shift change had just been completed; completing her overtime worksheet. Mrs. Secor began the conversation with “I just talked with Mark Charlie, and if you could keep an eye on him, it might be a good thing”, or something very close to it. Mrs. Secor continued with statements the inmate had made to her that included: (1) having flashbacks; (2) feeling lonely; (3) being in negative places; (4) feeling depressed; (5) not feeling …show more content…

Secor, where this type of situation entered the realm of medical, mental health, and security. While I am not absolutely positive her comments to me were all inclusive or in the correct content, there appears to be reason enough that inmate Mark Charlie may need Mental Health consults more than Educational Coordination or Anger Management consults. On a positive note, Mrs. Secor may be able to provide critical information to Mental Health and Medical that may have been provided by the conversation with inmate Mark Charlie. Additionally, Mrs. Secor has openly stated that inmates appear to seek her out to confide their feelings, problems, and or mental health concerns. I have previously told her to make sure she places concerns on paper, in an incident report or memorandum, to make sure issues are handled. Mrs. Secor may have already completed these documents and this memorandum is moot. In any event, this entire conversation about the mental health in Mark Charlie appears to be of such that the Duty to Report may be an issue. I have CC’ed Medical to insure the mental health concerns are addressed just in case Mrs. Secor has not informed them

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