
Durkheim 's Views On Social Theorists

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Disparaging Durkheim
Throughout the course of this semester, we have addressed a number of social theorists, from Marx to Veblen. A common denominator of these theorists is that they often leave the class in despair, having read and discussed theories that indicates that humanity is doomed to a fate of restricted happiness, fear, loss of liberty, the list goes on. Émile Durkheim is one of these influential figures. Durkheim is known as one of the principal contributors to modern sociology, his focus on the division of labor in society. His predecessors, such as Adam Smith, assigned a utilitarian value to the division of labor. In this light, the division of labor was meant to produce the fruits of civilization, to be a means of achieving happiness. Durkheim refuted this point on the grounds that an increased division of labor has not necessarily correlated with increased overall happiness of society. This is shown with increased suicides, indicating that society may not be experiencing the growing fruits that Smith predicted. Instead, Durkheim argues that an expanding population has naturally created a state where humans have become more differentiated. This then leads to the division of labor that becomes stronger as unified morals and common ways of thought dissipate. Essentially, throughout history, moral density has increased, and humans have specialized more and more. These are the conditions that led to a division of labor. Thus, the essence of the division of labor is

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