
Dunkin Donuts Code of Ethics Analysis Essay

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A code of ethics is a formal document in which is used to assist members of an organization, to know what’s ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’ in the work place and applying it to their decisions. A code of ethics is a written set of rules or guidelines to help the workers and management ‘conduct’ or direct their actions with its primary values and ethical standards. A code of ethics is important because without it, employees and management wouldn’t have guidelines and the establishment would resemble a crazy house. Consider the establishment, Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts is a food establishment well-known for their famous donuts, coffee and their slogan “America runs on Dunkin”. Without a code of ethics, the industry would most likely be …show more content…

Supplier selection and relations ships are also an important part of the code of ethics for Dunkin Donuts. It states in the formal document “When buying products and services, employees have a duty to deal with suppliers fairly and act in compliance with applicable laws and company policies. Suppliers include components and materials vendors, indirect goods and services providers, consultants, and anyone else who provides a product or service to the company.” (Dunkin Donuts’ Code of Ethics, 2011) In other words, when buying goods and supplies for the establishment employees are expected to treat the suppliers with kind actions and not treat them harshly. If said employee does not treat the supplier accordingly, the business supplying the Dunkin’ Donuts establishment would most likely stop because of the way they were treated. Then the restaurant would be without goods and supplies. “When purchasing products or services from suppliers, negotiate fairly to obtain the best pricing. Employees are responsible for working in the best interest of Dunkin’ Brands and the franchisee system and for compliance with applicable laws and the company’s policies.” (Dunkin Donuts’ Code of Ethics, 2011) What this statement mean is, when purchasing goods and supplies for the establishment employees are expected to negotiate fairly and have their best interest in doing good for the establishment and industry. It’s important because if workers and employees do not try their best in helping

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