
Dudley Doright: A Mounted Police Force

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Dudley Doright served as a mounted police officer for over 90 years. Although he is quite old. He still can run 100 meters in less than fifteen seconds. Criminals cant escape his unique mystery-solving powers. During the last visit of the Queen of England, her precious eggplant-shaped amethyst pendant went missing. Know police find it. [3] Investigating various restaurants, Dudley discovered one which had on the menu not only fried eggplant, but also eggplant soup, eggplant eggrolls, eggplant enchiladas and eggplant ice cream. [3] Bravely, Dudley entered the Eggplant Emporium and asked to see the manager, who wore a friendly smile, a purple suit and had a name tag witch read “Egar P. Lant.” [2] Immediately Dudley smelled something “fishy”,

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