
Ducati Group's Strategic Plan

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Before to Ducati’s acquisition by Texas Pacific Group, a deep financial crisis affected Ducati, undermining its production and consequently negatively affecting its market results. Production was less than production capacity and therefore it was clear that a relaunch of the company was necessary. The strategic plan carried out by Ducati Group, with the help of newly appointed Minoli, focused on the idea of increasing the company's value through a growth in turnover volume and protection of product profit margins. One of the most interesting aspects of the changes embraced by the Ducati, is the restructuring of the production system which began in the mid-1990s in order to maintain the product margin and increase the level of sales and turnover.
Minoli found three things at Ducati when he arrived:
- good products: unique and beautiful bikes, although regarded as less efficient and reliable in comparison to Japanese models
- top-notch engineers: both in R&D and for the racing division
- a brand with a strong potential: in most European markets, Ducati’s brand recognition and loyalty was the highest in the motorcycle industry.

First, the aspiring team started off the transformation of Ducati’s strategic plan by creating what was called the ‘World of Ducati’, to support and develop the brand. This started with the decision to build a museum, in order to show that Ducati was more than a motorcycle company; Ducati was a dream and a passion. Through this Ducati was able to

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