
Dubois Double Consciousness Analysis

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DuBois was fascinated by the social structure of society, how people interacted with one another, and what factors contributed to the extent of their interaction. DuBois focused his studies on racial issues and how the minority view themselves against a white community. During his studies he coined the term “Double Consciousness,” which takes a deeper look into how one develops a divided sense of self by viewing themselves critically through the eyes of others, more specifically the white majority and the black community. DuBois discusses this developed consciousness as the participation one takes in each community. He believed that black Americans also developed a two souled perspective, having two different thoughts and behaviors, depending on who is viewing them. According to DuBois, this double consciousness stems from the racial stereotypes and negative judgements cast on a group of people who are not a part of the majority. As a result a black individual may behave differently in front of a white American in order to protect themselves from how the white community views them …show more content…

Walking through the hallways he sees the looks from other students and he is not sure if they are looking at him or at his skin. According to Dubois, this student is able to develop another sense of self through his encounters with other students. He believes that he is being judged by the color of his skin and the different atmosphere that he creates in the classrooms as well as the hallways. He is able to feel compassion for himself because he understands where the white students are coming from with their opinions of him from a distance. He is constantly reminded of his skin color and the negative connotations that this invokes. However, as a black student he is aware that he has passion and intelligence, even though he may be viewed differently because of his skin

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