
Duality In Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight

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Greek philosopher Heraclitus believed that “Good and evil are two notes in a symphony. Many things change into their opposites: for example, hard ice melts into water which is soft.” This led him to believe that “The combination of opposites resulted in a harmonious whole. In music, harmony results from the combination of low and high notes, while in the universe harmony flows from the combination of opposites: good and evil. When the combination balance is tipped the symphony is no longer harmonious.”

Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight incorporates this psychological aspect successfully with the dual personality of the character of Harvey Dent. This is reinforced not only in his physical form, but also through symbolism with the use of his …show more content…

When Dent’s girlfriend Rachel is killed and he becomes disfigured in an explosion, Harvey Dent becomes known as Two-Face. Not only because of his appearance, but also because her death pushes him over the edge and he is driven by a desire for revenge, creating a secondary dark personality. "You thought we could be decent men, in an indecent time! But you were wrong…”, states Two-Face in direction to Batman and Gordon. Two-Face says to Batman “The Joker chose ME!” to which Batman replies “Because you were the best of us! He wanted to prove that even someone as good as you could fall. And he was right.” The Joker did not have a game plan to destroy Dent, he merely wanted to prove his theory that everyone has an evil side. The Joker himself stated “Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars; I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just... do things.“ Dent, consumed by revenge, confused and unsure of the Jokers motives, decides that he would determine if the Joker lived depending on flipping his coin. If the flipped coin lands on the normal side, the Joker would live. However, should it fall on the disfigured and burnt side, he would die. The coin lands on the unblemished side and Dent lets him live. It is at this point that Two-Face was truly born. He embarks on a mission to kill anyone who he believed was

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