I am currently a dual enrollment student enrolled at Hudson High School. With the opportunities that dual enrollment gives me, I hope to walk across the graduation stage with both my associates degree and high school diploma. After graduating high school, I will work on a master’s degree in computer hardware engineering. My university of preference would USF because of their excellent engineering programs as well as the proximity to Tampa. If I feel a need for it, I may pursue certification in actuarial science either during school or after graduation. Besides English, the other classes I am taking are Introduction into Chemistry, Intro into Public Speaking and Pre-Calculus. Pursuing and advancing my career is one of the most important things
Furthermore, one of my most challenging experiences was maintaining a 3.0+ GPA in school while attending Oakland Community College in the Dual Enrollment Program. It was a tough situation to be in, due to the excessive amount of work I had to do for both high school and college. Every week I had to complete a chapter of my book, which consisted of long sections using words that I have never even heard of in my life, the prolonged chapters were followed by a required one to two-page essay that was due the next week or else it was considered late. Now keep in mind that these essays were a huge part of my overall grade, so I am embarrassed to say that out of the ten chapters, about four or five of them were late, but the reason for that is because
The colleges I am considering are Purdue University, University of Illinois, University of Missouri, Xavier University, and Louisiana State University. I am not certain on what major I am going to pursue. However, majors that I am considering are law, criminology, athletic training, sports management, and allied health. I also have intentions to minor in either African American studies or English since I possibly could pursue a law degree. I am attending to double major. I believe that I have a good chance in double majoring because I will enter college with at least six college credits from being a part of the High School Scholars program at Lewis University, which allows me to take one college course each semester to earn credits that could be transferred. For the fall semester I took Culture and Civilization I and earned he grade of an A-. Currently, I am taking Culture and Civilization II for
Dean Maniuszko Mr. McKnight English 3-4H, pd. 2 15 May 2013 Decisions for the Future ! As high-school students (and their families) approach their junior year of high
The “Dual Eligibles” beneficiaries constitute about 9.2 million of the entire population, of which most of them are below ages 65 years and disable, and suffer from chronic illness.
Dual eligibles are individuals who are entitled to Medicare Part A and/or Part B and are also eligible for Medicaid benefit. Policy makers are moving rapidly to develop and test reforms aimed at better coordination of resources, cost management, and improve quality of care for people dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.
I have taken or plan to take all advanced placement classes my high school offers. Attending a small high school (approximately 350 students) limits me because I can only take the few course offerings related to the medical field. Through sports and clubs I have had keep my grades up to work with diverse personalities for a common goal. I have had to learn through leadership roles in organizations to complete service learning projects through National Honor Society or write a speech for Student Council. All the learning that occurs through my experiences not only the classroom but also on the court, while on a fieldtrip or during a meeting will better prepare me for my future goals at University of
I am enrolled in the Commonwealth Governor's School. It is a rigorous academic program for highly gifted and motivated students. The program, which spans all four years of high school, is designed to challenge students in the four core subjects. Students in the program are required to take the most academically challenging courses available at their school, including a total of eleven Advanced Placement courses and one Dual Enrollment class. The program also requires its students to create two independent research projects called culminating projects. The goal of these projects is to teach students about how to conduct scholarly research, write literature reviews, create original products, correspond with experts, and present their findings.
Transferring to California State University, Sacramento was the most optimal decision that I have made recently this year and so far, it has been an enjoyable yet compelling one because of the helpful environment around me. Compared to the other two colleges I attended in the past in Stockton, California, I believe Sacramento State University has better resources and opportunities to grow as a student. Some of the resources I have utilized here are the Writing Center and PARC, but I plan to branch out and explore many others I have heard about. Although my major is Mechanical Engineering, I still have other classes that I am required to take in order graduate in Spring of 2020, such as English 109W for my undergraduate GWAR. Before entering English 109W, my mind was set on just completing the course and getting a good enough grade to move on to my Writing Intensive course, the last English class I would take in college. I thought that my writing skills were above
I am currently enrolled at Thornton Academy as a Junior. Since I had all of my credits completed I had an opportunity to start dual enrollment classes. Last semester I completed psychology 101, and received an A. This semester I am enrolled in a English composition class, my current grade is a B+. I am also currently taking seven classes at Thornton Academy. Next year as a senior I am planning to take all dual enrollment classes, to get ahead on my career.
dual credit classes that are essential to my future degree plan and maintained a high college
This scholarship will help me get a head start in college. It will also help me to reach my career goals in the medical field.
When we see problems facing our high school, we are mainly looking at metro area school, “urban area schools.” What we do not see is that students in rural areas have less access to higher-level courses in school. Only half of students in these areas attend schools that only offer one to three advanced courses and that is only if they are qualified to take the class.
The Dual Admissions Program would support my future goals by providing me with the education needed to prepare and train me for an enthusing profession in osteopathic medicine. As the university with the first osteopathic college established in the southeastern United States, I am awaiting an incredible experience in the Dual Admission Osteopathic Medicine Program. At an utmost level of merit and in a supporting environment of research and intellectual activities, it will permit me to practice and interact with other health professions students. Its distinctive curriculum offering academic and clinical training will prepare me for the true world of medicine. This will aid me in my path towards becoming an exemplary physician.
One goal I have for the year 2016 is finish my basics for college before I graduate high school. I’m going to achieve this goal by continuing the dual-credit program at my local college San Juan. This goal means a lot to me due to the fact I am a Junior in high school and I could graduate as a sophomore or if I work extremely hard even as a junior in college. By achieving this goal I could save thousands of dollars in college fee’s due to the fact as long as I’m in high school while taking my dual credit courses I don’t have to pay. Along with saving money this goal also will allow me to graduate college almost fresh out of high school, meaning I could pursue my dream of being a children’s occupational
I am well prepared for the rigors of university studies. I have participated in the dual enrollment program at Eastern Florida State College since I was in the 10th grade. I set a goal to finish high school not only my Associates in Arts degree, but complete all my engineering common core prerequisites as well. Participating in duel enrollment was an excellent opportunity; at the same time, setting the bar high posed numerous challenges.