
Dual Degree Program Analysis

Decent Essays

I am planning to take advantage or the dual degree program available at the University of California, Irvine (UCI). have applied and have been accepted into the University of California, Irvine’s Criminology Law & Society (CLS) PhD. program. Part of the reason I was so interested in continuing my education at UCI was the enthusiasm with which the university promotes interdisciplinary collaborations with other disciplines and with community organizations. Previously as an undergraduate at UCI, I had worked researching the issue of domestic violence (DV) in collaboration with the departments of Psychology & Social Behavior (PSB), CLS, and with the Orange County Family Justice Center. In this same spirit, I hope to continue my educational journey. …show more content…

However, given that perpetrators often continue to have a relationship with their children even if the relationship with the parents ends, it’s important to help ensure that the perpetrator is not a threat to the children. This is especially true given that studies have found there is some overlap in the occurrence between DV and child abuse. Not surprisingly, my interest in the law closely aligns with my interest in DV. My research focus is restorative and rehabilitative justice alternatives to traditional deterrent and punitive measures, especially for DV perpetrators I’m interested in the laws and procedures pertaining to DV, including protective orders, visitations for children, child custody agreements, maintenance agreements, and so on. Although I will be a part of the CLS department, I hope to continue to work closely with the PSB department and the law school, in order to continue gain a more comprehensive understanding of the issues being studied. To fully understand the issue surrounding DV, a working knowledge and familiarity with the laws, policy, and procedures surrounding DV is extremely beneficial. Additionally, the psychological impact to those exposed to DV should also be considered, which is why I hope to continue to work closely with the PSB department. My ultimate goal is to continue to do interdisciplinary research into DV and its effects on those touched by DV. Eventually taking the research on DV into the real world and helping to improve policy, laws, and procedures surrounding the issue. Through law school I will gain the expertise of the laws impacting those touched by DV helping in the understanding of their effects. Additionally, law school will give me a better understanding of the judicial system which will be helpful to one day lobby for policy

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