
Du Dubois Analysis

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Du Bois cites that there is one question that most people want to ask black men;”how does it feel like to be a problem?” He first realized he was a “problem” when he was in elementary school. As a part of a class project, sudents were supposed to share cards with one another. however , this girl would not accept Du Bois’ card. This is when he decided that he would dedicate himself to being better that whites at most things in life in order to be superior . Instead of sitting their and letting himself get sucked into the injustice of the veil, he decided to pursue education that would empower him. He kept asking why god chose to make him a problem. He could not understand ehy the negro was created in the shadow of all the other races. He says that that negro is a sort of “seventh son” (9), who was born with …show more content…

It is therefore, not only a sociological analsis on the plight of the negro in the 20th century, but also a lesson in history. He suggest that it is difficult understanding the concept of the veil without understanding the history behind it. As a negro in the 19th and 20th centuries, her realized that he held a low position within society. While he knew what people thoughht of him, he also knew that by virtue of his education he was not entirely a “problem”. To the whites he was known as a taken good person within black society. The “Viel” is a metaphor for the color-line, was that with which aferican americans would live with for life. They would always live with the knowlege that they were different, and that othe would see them differently. Regardless of how hard they tried, they would never be able to get rid of this metaphor or of this distinct difference. Through his writing, it is apparent that he blames the american government for place the aferica americans in posiion that would ultimatleuy constain them to livin with the

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