
Drugs and Crime

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Drugs and Crime

Drugs and crime are literally everywhere. Drug abuse and crime go hand-in-hand. Drugs cause crime. Legalizing drugs is not the answer. Punishments should fit the crime. Repeat offenders should have harsher punishments. The history of drugs shows increasing drug use, abuse, and crime rates that relate to drug use and abuse.

The History of Drugs

“Human beings have always had a desire to eat or drink substances that make them feel relaxed, stimulated, or euphoric.” Drug history, Drug Rehabs.Org. Drug use goes far back in history when people used “strong medicine” such as herbal remedies. Herbal remedies were used for pain killers and other healing purposes such as ointments for cuts and bruises and liniments …show more content…

S. (1993, September 3). According to a recent Time/CNN poll, almost as many suburban and rural residents as urban dwellers worry about being a victim of crime. “Do you worry about being a victim of crime?” Clark, C. S. (1993, September 3).


The prevention of drug use and abuse starts as a child is learning and especially when they are a teenager and prone to “peer pressure.” As a teenager learns more about themselves and their environment, they are presented with opportunities to experiment with drugs and this is where they need to make a decision to either partake in the wrongdoing and join the club or be an individual and refrain from this action. Educated people are more likely to make sound decisions.


Legalizing marijuana will not cure the problem. This will only open the door for public displays of drug use and show children that it is okay to do drugs. Statistics reveal that illegal or legal, marijuana use will not change and the crime rates will increase if marijuana is legal. The problem lies within the drug user and their mindset. Addictions can be treated and successful. Successful treatment depends on the will of the individual. Statistics show that drug abusers repeatedly offend and drug related crime is one reason for prison overcrowding. Lawmakers are making harsher punishments for repeat offenders and punishments for their repeated crimes are harsher than in

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