
Drugs, Alcohol And Bad Decisions

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Drugs, alcohol and bad decisions can add up into different kinds of bad situations. Being under the influence in an uncontrolled situation tends to end up with a bad result, sometimes it 's being raped, robbed or even killed. Sexual assault cases on college campuses have been on the rise in the last decade and the factors that come into play can make a sexual assault case impossible to give the correct punishments to the offenders from doing it again.
According to the survey by the Association of American Universities, 23% female college students said they experienced some form of unwanted sexual contact, ranging from kissing to rape, carried out by force or threat of force, or while they were incapacitated because of alcohol and drugs. Nearly 11% said the unwanted contact included penetration or oral sex.
For only female college seniors, the number reporting nonconsensual sexual contact of any kind carried out by force or while incapacitated was even higher than the 23% for all female college students. 26% of just female seniors said they had experienced it at some point during their four years in college. At some of the country 's most elite schools, that number climbed even higher: 34% for University of Michigan female seniors, 32% at Yale and 29% at Harvard.
A majority of sexual assaults involving college students involve drugs or alcohol. Advocates say this is one reason the prevalence rate of assaults continues to be high, and also partly why so few are ever

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