
Drug Treatment Essay

Satisfactory Essays

When it comes to determining the type of abuse treatment program that you should enlist in, its important to note, that everyone has a unqie situation anad as such, the type of treatment faclity that you should partake in, should have a history of curtaling to ndvuals whwo have been in simalr crumctance. Each type of treatment faciliaty program has been desgned to curtal to ndvuals who have a varos shistory's of drug use. For example, people who have been using drugs for a limited about of years, would fit in a short teerm drug treatment program. However,m indivualss who have a long history of drug use, would be most ssuitbale in a long term drug treatment program.

1) Residential Treatment

This treatment options consits of recieng treatment in a residential setting, n the sense that all patentas have to undergo intesve treatment during the daytime from a period of 30-60 days. Indivuals who have become homeless or have lost their jobs as a result of drug use, stand to benefit greatly from this type of drug treatment program.

2) Partial Hospitilization

On the otherhand, indivuals who have a probnlesm with absuing substsances, but are able to maintain a stable living situation, stand to benefit greatly from a partal hospitilzation program. During this type of program, people receive …show more content…

During this type of program, indvuals who are at risk for drug abuse or addiction, make several visits to a medical professional, n order for them to dicuss the ways in which drug abuse can effect them fnaically, interpersonally, physically and physcologically as well. In addition to this, the a health care professional, will discuss a few proven strategiess that the indivual can utilzie in order for them to cut back on their drug

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