
Drug Search Dogs

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Police dogs are known as local and national heros, but are they actually harming our society? Recently videos have been released of K9 dogs attacking humans, unable to be stopped by their handlers. Many people overlook these cases but some of the videos are hard to ignore. Many dog bite cases have been ignored by judges as well. Researchers are calling this the “Rin Tin Tin Effect.” This is when in court, police dog bites are overlooked due to their ‘Hero’ status and influence of their handlers. Drug search dogs and other service dogs also should be addressed in this category. Because attacking dogs have been misbehaving and it is becoming more apparent to the public, dogs in the police force should be limited to search and rescue missions. …show more content…

In fact, dogs that alert when drug searching people are 80% of the time ineffective and when searching cars 56% of the time (Sullums). Also, many people are starting to portray dissatisfaction when a police can search their car without a warrant. Russ Jones, a former police officer states, “If my amazon box has traces of cocaine from the deliverer, this gives the right to search my house?”(Sullums). However, even though drug dogs are occasionally unproductive, they do have a purpose in cities and communities. Police often initiate searches in very public areas. For example, these dogs most commonly search airports and schools. This brings people to have a fear factor. A fear factor of the drug dog is knowing not to bring drugs to these areas because of the potential risk of being caught and arrested. In airports, mostly bag and suitcases are searched. Lockers, bathrooms, and even students are sniffed down during school hours when drug dogs arrive. This is a positive effect on highschool students because it prevents illegal activities taking place on campus. Drug searches used with dogs should be allowed in the public areas, but should be used with discretion when entering people’s private

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