
Driving Without Full Concentration

Decent Essays

Have you ever lost concentration while driving? Driving without full concentration may affect your life and others. Drivers need to take driving as a serious matter because daily innocent lives are dying from simple things done by the driver. When you chose to drive a vehicle you have to be responsible not to text or talk on the phone. Also, you have to make sure you are strong enough to handle the string wheel by getting the right rest. Driving is not easy as it looks and requires 100 percent focus all the time. Driving is not a joke and a person the choses to drive needs to not get side tracked. Anyone can lose concertation easily and in a second he can do something wrong. Getting in the wrong exit or even driving when it is not your turn …show more content…

That is not true people should only think about driving. For example, I almost lost a close friend of minds because the driver was not focused. She was riding in a taxi and the taxi driver was setting up his navigation while dri,ving. The driver thought that it was his turn to pass, he press the gas pedal and hits the car in front of him. There were children in the car but luckily, nothing had happened to the kids nether my friend. In a second, while he was fixing the navigation the driver lost concentration and could have killed the innocent children. Sleep and rest can also effect a person while driving. The driver needs to have enough rest in order to drive properly. According to Dr.Michael Lacey, the medical director of the Atlanta sleep medicine Clinic, fatigue can have a real impact on the brain. When a person is forced to stay awake the brain is forced to work harder. Which leaves the brain in a fog and forces them to lose concentration. In conclusion, if you chose to drive please make sure your full attention is on driving. Driving is not a joke and many innocent lives past away because of reckless driving. Don’t chose to text or talk while driving because you can lose your life and the person besides you. If people would concentration and pay attention to their driving there would be less innocent lives

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