
Drinking Laws Essay

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I. Introduction and Description of Problem (APX 2 PAGES)
1) Statement of the Problem: (5 pts)
Eighteen-year olds throughout the United States are considered legal adults in almost every way, with one notable exception: the privilege of having an alcoholic beverage.
In every state, eighteen-year olds are legally permitted to drive, live as they choose, and work where they choose. Eighteen-year olds pay taxes as other adults do, are subject to all criminal and civil laws, and are punished, jailed and even executed for crimes they might commit against such laws. They are also permitted to hold most local, state and federal government public offices, and can sponsor and pass new laws if elected. Again, the only exception to complete adult …show more content…

These problems are solved in establishing secure family life, not in legislating of an unfair drinking age limitation of 21. Denying an 18-year old the privilege of “having a beer” while applauding that same 18-year old’s participation in potentially mortal combat in an Afghanistan cave as an active duty soldier is an irony worth study. This unfair issue deserves national attention. Because Congress cannot effectively pass a law that establishes a secure family life for all Americans, it can at least “right a wrong” by repealing the 21-year old restriction. Passage of a national 18-year old drinking age law brings about essential fairness, finally permitting full adult rights to those now considered adults in every other way possible.
2) Legislative History of this Issue
There have been numerous related bills in Congress covering the issue of underage drinking in the United States. The first of these were a series of prohibition bills in the 1850’s, followed by the national prohibition bills in the 1920’s, then several bills in the recent decades, a few of which are covered below. The main issue in each of these bills involved limiting of alcohol altogether, though each also included issues dealing with establishment of a legal age at which alcohol could be or was consumed.
History in this overall subject seems

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