
Dress Codes Research Paper

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Dress Codes in Schools Students should have to follow dress codes at school. Enforcing dress codes can create a better and safer learning environment, promote academic focus on school, and at the same time helps prepare them for their life after school Having dress codes can create a safer and better learning environment in schools and encourage better behaviour among students. Dress codes prevent students from wearing offensive, distracting or dangerous clothing which makes school a safer and more positive place. School and school related activities is where students spend most of their time, this means they are heavily influenced by their peers. It is incredibly easy for children under 18 to be influenced into almost anything by their peers, …show more content…

Scott Imberman, professor of economics at the University of Houston, investigated findings in 160 urban schools over a 13-year period. The results showed a steady increase in both attendance and test scores across the schools requiring uniforms. Four other studies ranging from 1998 to 2005 documented a conclusion that schools requiring uniforms showed the greatest improvement in test scores, attendance and graduation. These studies prove that uniforms increase most students test scores. Most students still do not like uniforms. As opposed to uniforms, dress codes still let students wear what they want which leaves students with a sense of choice and expression, but it teaches students to be more disciplined, so it basically has the same affect on students as uniforms do. Having dress codes also helps students focus less on their clothes, and more on school. Dress codes make that hurried decision on “what to wear” in the morning whole lot easier. For example let's say today it was very hot outside and you wanted to wear a tank top. You have three tank tops, but you don't know what to wear. One of your schools dress codes is that there should be at least two fingers width of coverage on the shoulders. Only one of your tank tops applies to that rule. Now you can easily decide which tank top you should wear to school. All you have to do is get into the habit and of buying appropriate

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