Supervision of dress codes by schools is a disadvantage to students. Three of the biggest detriments are the unreasonable sexual objectification , the clear sexism, and the lack of individuality dress codes offer.
From a young age, children are taught to "dress appropriately", but in reality, this sexual objectification people as young as elementary school age. Children are taught not to leave the house in short shorts or tank tops, because to some skin is not professional, but what about when the weather is a sweltering 104 ? Do we teach the children to worry more about how an adult will look at them than comfort? The answer, sadly, is yes.
Another reason the dress code is destructive is the blatant sexism. There is no secret that the dress code targets those who are feminine, and this is harmful. Children are pulled out of class because they are "distracting" by showing shoulders, but their masculine counterparts continue to learn. This teaches those sent home that their education is not as important.
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When a person tells another what to wear, one source of creativity disappears away. Because clothes express opinions and boost confidence, taking away this outlet is dangerous.
I would have never thought that what we wear could cause so many issues, but the dress code at school is unsuitable for growing people. The sexual objectification , misogynist, and unoriginal roles that children take are appalling, and we cannot let this continue to
“School officials have a responsibility to provide a safe, secure, and productive learning environment.” Therefore, schools have dress codes because the safety of students is very important. A teacher’s number one priority is their student’s safety and to have a good learning environment. All students should have the same right to their education. Is the clothing the students wear distracting others from learning? It is distracting to others, but that is not the only reason why schools have dress codes. Schools also have dress codes because it helps prevent students from being bullied based on their clothing, especially if they wear something offensive or inappropriate. It also helps them prepare for professional environments as adults in the workplace.
Ever thought that not having a school dress code could lead to violence over something so simple as to what a person might own or wear? To many people 's surprise, school dress codes can be a very important topic to discuss at any and every public school. This essay will summarize, critique, and evaluate the article "School Dress Codes" by Krystal Miller.
School dress codes are unnecessary and detrimental to students because they waste student's time, damage their self-image, and have no discernable benefit. Wasting time is not conductive with learning and is a reason why dress codes are negative to students. School dress codes usually involve the
School dress codes send a loud and clear message, “Your individuality is inconvenient.” (Rowland 22). The constitution guarantees the right to free speech,which can be interpreted as the right to freedom of self expression, and students use clothing to express themselves. Another message that dress codes send is that “the self identity that you want to express does not belong here.” Self expression is not an inconvenience or a distraction, it is the lifeblood of our nation. (Rowland 22). Schools tell students that they should be confident in themselves, but how can they if they cannot express themselves? School dress codes now are more about shielding the boys then protecting the girls which implies that boys are immature. Calling a girl’s clothes distracting is implying that she is at fault for any disruptions. “That 's like saying that because a store has a cash register, it 's the store 's fault if it gets robbed!” (Menza 1). Students are going to be distracted anyways. Sexist dress codes are like saying that an article of clothing, or a body part showing on a female will distract male students from learning. Dress codes should be simple for both genders, everyone should wear clothing that covers up the same area. With dress codes, students are forced to dress the same as other students, taking the individuality out of school, but schools try to send the message, you are individual. Figure 1 shows a strict dress codes for both students and
The prominent reason behind the various overdone school rules regarding dress is the loose power that administrators have been given. They have been “reserve[d] the right to determine if a clothing item or accessory is appropriate for school” (Carroll High School Student Handbook 2010-2011 18). The officials at school are using their own personal opinions to judge the students’ dress. Since styles change as time goes on, the generation in control and the
America, the “land of the free, and home of the brave.” Unfortunately, this doesn 't mean “land of the free to wear whatever one desires.” In fact, school dress codes are taking away American students’ self expression, infringing on their freedom of speech, and enforcing sexist discrimination all over the country. A recent case, that occurred at Tottenville High School in Staten Island, New York, blatantly displays the negative effects dress codes are having on students, especially females. In the first couple of days of the semester, this high school managed to give 200 detentions to students for violating the dress code. Ironically enough, 90 percent of these students were girls (Swafford). The discouraging part is that schools are easily able to get away with this kind of discrimination. This is made possible by state laws that give school boards the power to enforce whatever dress codes they think are necessary to promote a distraction free learning environment, maintain discipline, and to push students to dress similarly in order to create a uniformity in the schools (“School Dress Codes”). The purpose of dress codes may be to create a distraction free learning environment; in reality, however, they produce an environment where students feel discriminated against and aren 't free to express themselves.
(Elliot.2014) The school board stated to CTV NEWS that “we’re trying to teach them how to be ready for life when they graduate high school, be it university or perhaps a job.” I oppose this statement as a dress code now should not have anything to do with an individual’s future. Also, some people may argue that it puts others at stake unintentionally such as young males, and male teachers. It is said that provocative clothing attracts the opposite sex, but what we should be putting forward is the saying that humans should learn to control rather than restrict. There is a bias in schools and educational institutions due to the impression that without a dress code there will be breakdown of discipline, lack in academic success, and approach of sexuality. There is excess attention attracted towards the negativities of not having a dress code, but we do not see that dress codes restrict freedom of expression, or “form of art.” Being able to express your feelings and thoughts through appearance in your own way had the ability to boost self confidence, which is psychologically shown to improve and maintain good health, as well as promote any form of success especially at an age where individuals are yet to learn of themselves. A female could be bare appearance (naked) but have extensive amounts of knowledge and intelligence; therefore females should not be singled out over dress codes which should be banned as it does not define a
The people who are in charge of creating the school dress code don’t think of girls feelings, or their need to be an individual. There are also some unnecessary rules in schools, and what schools deemed inappropriate or distracting. The schools are taking some of the girls rights away. I believe that the dress code for the younger generation is too focused on girls, and it’s way too strict. Students should not have to wear school uniforms, some schools went for believing it would get rid of competition.
Dress codes send a message to girls that if they are harassed by the boys, it is their own fault. It gives girls the impression that one should be guilty for how the boys control themselves and act around
Our clothes is suppose to make us feel comfortable and define who we are instead of “purposely” getting attention from our peers. We never intended for the clothing we wear to school to distract students around school, we just wanted to be able to show off our diversity of clothing. The limitation of the dress code can help students not be able to express themselves fully. The dress code should be changed because of it’s major flaws.
Some people say dress code is causing girls to body shame themselves. It may not seem like it, but this is something that is having a very negative impact on girls. According to the article “Enforcing school dress codes teaches girls to be ashamed, not ‘modest’”, some parents and educators believe young women’s outfits-their bodies really- are too distracting for men to be expected to comfort themselves with dignity and respect. ”Instead of teaching girls math or literature, schools are
School dress codes have been a topic of controversy for a long time now. Times have changed and many people have become accustomed to the new societal “norms.” However, many School Board of Trustees are failing “to revise a decades-old dress code” (“Gender Equal”) which in result is creating tensions between the students and the school faculty. Although some people believe that school dress codes do not need to be revised, numerous amount of students are unhappy and are taking action against the unfairness they face. School districts need to update and modernize their strict and out-of-date dress codes to better accommodate the changing society in which students are becoming more comfortable in expressing who they
Dress codes contribute to the long existing issue of sexualizing humans, especially females. The article, “Schools Are Still Slut-Shaming Girls While Enforcing Dress Code,” briefly discusses this issue: “Rules for girls are blatantly sexual in nature – “cover your skin –“ (Dockterman). Examples of this are the covering of
Rules are applied everywhere, even in schools. Without rules in schools, some students would wear more clothes slutty. The guys would have saggy pants and the girls would wear revealing clothes which is inappropriate. It is bad for kids to wear clothes to mature for their age because the kids that are yet to be exposed to the mature stuff will be exposed to the bad things. Their poor, pure minds would turn hectic and turn into those inappropriate minded kids faster than not being exposed to the inappropriate clothings. Also, the kids can bring inappropriate contents to school and still don’t get in trouble, which is also a bad influence on the kids around them. And this is why dress code rules are important.
As I mentioned in the first paragraph children and teenagers have to express themselves by what they wear. It makes them who they by what they wear. It makes them who they are but schools these days have dress codes that’s are absolutely ridiculous. Some schools have done away with girls not allowed to wear