
Dress Codes In Schools Research Paper

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Supervision of dress codes by schools is a disadvantage to students. Three of the biggest detriments are the unreasonable sexual objectification , the clear sexism, and the lack of individuality dress codes offer.

From a young age, children are taught to "dress appropriately", but in reality, this sexual objectification people as young as elementary school age. Children are taught not to leave the house in short shorts or tank tops, because to some skin is not professional, but what about when the weather is a sweltering 104 ? Do we teach the children to worry more about how an adult will look at them than comfort? The answer, sadly, is yes.

Another reason the dress code is destructive is the blatant sexism. There is no secret that the dress code targets those who are feminine, and this is harmful. Children are pulled out of class because they are "distracting" by showing shoulders, but their masculine counterparts continue to learn. This teaches those sent home that their education is not as important. …show more content…

When a person tells another what to wear, one source of creativity disappears away. Because clothes express opinions and boost confidence, taking away this outlet is dangerous.

I would have never thought that what we wear could cause so many issues, but the dress code at school is unsuitable for growing people. The sexual objectification , misogynist, and unoriginal roles that children take are appalling, and we cannot let this continue to

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