
Dress Code Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

A recent study by Lands’ End found that the number of schools with dress codes increased by twenty one percent from 2000 to 2013. School dress code is a very controversial topic in today’s America. Weather they are against or for it; everyone has their own two cents to put in. Some schools force their students to wear uniforms; while others just say do not wear shorts. I think dress code should be more lenient for three main reasons: there in an inconsistency in rules about dress code, it promotes rape culture, and it promotes sexism in our youth. When a sixteen year old girl found the dress of her dreams for the upcoming winter dance, she was elated. She could not wait to wear the beautiful dress, and even altered the dress to meet her …show more content…

Huffington Post reported a story about Lakeside High School in Lakeside, Florida about the school changing their dress code to follow two mottos: “modest is hottest”, and “boys will be boys”. Police do not tell rape victims “boys will be boys, sorry!”, so why should schools tell boys that they can do whatever they want because “boys will be boys.” School dress codes promote the idea that boys cannot help but to sexualize women that boys are just animals that cannot help themselves, that if they see bare shoulders it means she was asking to be raped. What kind of society are we that we let schools sexualize our daughters, our sisters, our friends? Dress codes are telling young impressionable girls that it is their fault that boys are allowed to sexualize everything about them. Dress codes are telling young girls that it is their responsibility to not “provoke” a rape, when schools should be teaching boys to not sexualize everything they see. Instead of teaching girls not to get raped, they should be teaching boys to not rape. 44% of rape victims are under the age of 18 according to This is an alarming number that we could help

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