
Dress Code Mandatory Essay

Satisfactory Essays

A few years ago many were made to believe that if we changed the way our children dressed at school, that it would make them perform better in the classroom, and or help them become more unified. As a result of this our school district thought it would better suit us as a society and decided to enforce a district wide dress code only allowing our children to dress in attire they deemed fit and that resembled every other student in their school. Not only did this negatively affect our children and their freedom to uniquely express themselves but also I believe put many families including myself in a worse financial bind then usual.
Initially when the idea came along of having all schools no matter the grade level be required to wear uniforms …show more content…

Each school year a family has to go out and buy their child or children a certain top, bottom and pair of shoes in order to be considered dress code compliant, for many this is an inconvenience. The average household has at least two or more children to buy clothing for, which means not only are they obligated to provide a school uniform for each day of the week but also for the changing seasons, on top of buying regular clothes for their child to wear outside of school. This has not only affected our economy in a negative way, but also put restrictions on how our children are able to express themselves and or their unique personality, which many do by their choice of clothing. The requirement of uniforms also takes away from our children being comfortable with their choice clothing, the materials can be uncomfortable if you’re child is sensitive to the material, and many kids oppose the use of buttons, zippers and restrictive clothing especially if they suffer from a disability. I truly believe that each person should have the right to choose to wear what makes them feel comfortable and still be school appropriate in hopes to restore freedom of mind and expression, and then maybe our children can learn to think and feel on their own without fear of labels and restrictions based on their choice of clothing, yes I understand that many felt this was a way to guide our children, but it has only showed them to fear what others think of

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