
Dreamer Liar Setting

Satisfactory Essays

The setting of the book, Dreamer Wisher Liar, by Charise Mericle Harper, takes place in Ash’s basement. Ash finds a magical wish jar in her basement that allows her to go back in time and endure a friendship between two girls, Ash and Shue. Whenever Ash sits in her dad’s old chair in the basement and picks one of the paper balls swirling in the magical jar, she reads what the note paper indicates. Then, she travels back in time to the time period or location of what the writing paper asserts. Ash assumes that everything in the basement has to stay the same. Otherwise, the supernatural power of the jar could wear off. Before Ash found the wish jar, the light downstairs was dull and all of the junk from Ash’s mom was disorganized. Thus, the clutter

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