
Dramatic Monologue

Decent Essays

Searing pain overcomes his hand. The insentient cement wall absorbs another powerless blow. Blood drips from his knuckles’ newly formed cut. However, he isn't fazed by the aching hand. His brown eyes’ stare seeming almost broken, yet filled with fear. A silence surrounds the stage like London fog, making it hard to breathe. The once faithful brown eyes have now dissolved into gushing tears, releasing the fear, the pain, and the complete brokenness. However, this feeling will always remain centered . He will never forget his crime... The lights slowly fade, beams are holding onto every bit of light as if it's life or death. Nobody except left on the stage. I wipe my eyes and grab a wet rag from the side stage to soak my bleeding fist. Have you ever been someone else? As in forgotten your entire molecular fiber, becoming another human being. I have. However, this gift doesn't happen arbitrarily. Only after hours of preparation, until I take the stage and perform. I've never understood why I enjoy this transformation so much or why I continue to indulge in it. Yet, I've never felt anything like it. The thing that most intrigues me is being another person. It’s not that I don’t like who I am. However, I believe that I still don’t fully know who I am. Acting allows me to explore myself, almost forcing me to know who I am. …show more content…

I can try though. Feeling another person’s pain or joy brings me to these emotions with a choice. Do I accept these as my own? Are they “my character” or “me?” Sometimes there isn’t a difference. However, I always know that pure excited emotion is who I am and why I love acting’s idea. I am a shy person. Which is why I have gravitated towards acting so much. What is the actor’s job? What does he do? Well, acting is being real, interesting, and conveying specific emotions towards the

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