
Drake Sociology

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Potential Social Causes of Drake's Behavior Sociology is the way in which we interact and develop a relationship with others. This would determine our behavior in the society. Positive socialization process would result in good characters and habits while negative social relationships would lead to antisocial behavior. The way we fit in our social structure would have tremendous impacts on our behavior. Drake may have experienced a social environment that would have aggravated his desire to commit these crimes. At home, Drake spent most times alone with one to play with. He was locked up in his room and denied the social interaction. Slowly, his ability to socialize thinned out to a point that he would not build any meaningful relationships. His self-esteem and confidence as the …show more content…

They found him queer and odd. He only had one friend who seemed to share the same characteristics. It was him who first introduced Drake to pornographic material that he referred to as his best companion. Steve was always watching or reading an obscene material whenever he was alone or with Drake. As a result, Drake picked this habit that grew into an addition. Watching porn videos in his room heightened his desire to practice. It piled pressure on him. This is the time he would sneak around and look at the nanny undress. He would also run off to the bathroom to masturbate. Steve was an addict of child pornography. It was him who made Drake realize that he could use the children to ease off the excess pressure that had built up on him due to his indecent internet activities. The other social factor that contributed to the behavior of Drake was the videos and movies he was watching over the internet. They were hardcore obscene material that activated his urge. The children were an easy target because of the social nature of the community where people learned to live together as a big family and not as an individual. Drake had moved to this new

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